Page 70 of Charming Deception

I think about those words as I lie in bed, and I hear the unspoken message.

I don’t want anything from you.

* * *

I stay up for hours, plowing through book two.

Rowan is still a virgin.

Wolf is still a dick, in a way, but he’s saved her life so many damn times, I’m falling in love with him.

Rowan seems to be struggling on the issue.

Megan hasn’t said another word to me about her books or asked if I’m still reading them. I keep hoping she’ll bring it up so I can ask her more questions.

But when she doesn’t, it just reinforces the truth of what she told me. She extended trust to me when she told me about her books, because I asked, but she never brought it up again, because writing is deeply personal for her.

And I keep trying to glean her secrets through the pages.

But I still haven’t figured them out, and it’s been a book and a half already.

“Turn the other way,” Rowan says, trying to order me around, as usual. “Don’t look.”

“Whatever you like, princess.”

“I don’t want you to see.”

“Why not? Do you think your cunt is so much more special than every other girl’s cunt?”

“Stop saying that word.”

“Vagina. Is that better?”

She just fumes and stomps around.

“I’m sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t call it a cunt. That’s too fierce. I bet you have a lovely little pussy. Pink and demure. Like a flower bud that hasn’t opened. Like a little pink kiss.”

She throws the food pot at me. The pot. She misses because I dodge in time, but really. “Those are some manners for a Lady.”

Oh, she hates it when I critique her manners.

“Manners! You don’t know the first thing about manners.”

“Really? Seems to me I’ve been traveling for weeks, alone, with a young Lady, who we’ve established has a fresh pink pussy, and I haven’t even tried to rape her once. What more manners do you want from a savage like me?”

“Stop looking at me like that!”

“How am I supposed to look at you?”

“Like a gentleman! Like a man my brothers entrusted with my life!”

I pick up my phone and send Megan a text, despite the late hour. She doesn’t have a job to get up for early in the morning, right?

Me: These two fight a lot. Are they ever just going to fuck already? Obviously, they want to.

I keep reading, combing for hints into her psyche, but I’m not sure it’s getting me anywhere. Even when something seems to resonate, I’m not sure why.

She’s still too much of a mystery and it’s driving me a bit crazy.