Page 60 of Charming Deception

“I’m sorry, but like I said, my answer is no. Thank you, but no.”

His beautiful, kissable mouth presses into a hard, dissatisfied line. Maybe this doesn’t happen to him very often. Getting turned down. Being unable to convince a woman to give him what he wants.

He sits back, giving me a look that seems to say: You’re making a mistake, Megan Hudson.

I realize there’s no reason to finish this dinner. I don’t want there to be any expectation of anything more. My answer is no, and it’s final.

That, and the longer I sit here looking at him, the more I’m in danger of letting him change my mind.

I lay my napkin on my plate. I’m about to get up when he says, “Does Cole even know you left?”

“I’ll call him and explain that I just wanted my own space.”

“So you’re really going to live with four other girls?”

“Women,” I correct him. “Independent women. Cole will understand. I’ve always been stubborn.”

“You can stay at the house,” he says firmly. “You’ll be in the guest wing with Cole.”

Does he still think this is a negotiation?

I said no, like twenty freaking times.

“He’s gone,” I remind him. “Knowing Cole, he’ll be gone most of the summer. And then he’ll be in training camp.”

“Not that soon.”

“He’ll be in and out all the time. I know how his life is. Cole has never been one to sit still. It’s not like he’s ever really home.”

And I can’t be alone there with you.

“It can be your home,” he presses. “Just like he said. Until you’re on your feet.”

I push my chair back and stand. “I’m on my feet, okay?”

He pushes his chair back and gets up as soon as I do. Like a gentleman.

I have to look away from him to avoid the pull. The truth is, he’s a hard man to say no to.

It’s not just his looks or the magnetic attraction I feel that makes me want to linger. Or the soft spot he has for my brother.

It’s so many things.

Like the way he pursued me to Nicole’s.

And the way he focuses on me when I speak. And listened when I told him about my books.

And the things he says. Lord, the things he says. I can hear them replaying in my head even as I walk away.

I’m not one to back down from something I want, Megan.

I’m looking at what I want right now.

I probably wanted to say no before the appetizers came, but I let us draw this out. Maybe I liked the way he kept pressing me to say yes.

I mean, it was flattering, in a warped way.
