Page 96 of Sweet Temptation

“Coffee?” she offered.

“Sure. Thank you.”

She refilled my mug for me. “I realize you’re helping me, too, Ronan.” She glanced at me, then watched as I put sugar in my coffee. “And maybe it pains me to admit that I need that help, but that’s my bad. My ego, maybe. That’s got nothing to do with you.”

“It’s fine.”

“It’s not. I tell myself I always give credit where credit is due…” She looked up into my eyes. “But I haven’t done that with you. So… thank you for doing what you do.”

“I’m just doing my job.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

“Really, I appreciate it.” I stirred my coffee. “But no thanks are necessary.”

“I know you’re getting paid,” she said softly. “I know it’s a job. And maybe other guys could come in here and play tough guy. But you make me feel safe. There’s a difference.”

I picked up my mug, avoiding her blue eyes. “Thank you.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. Hearing her tell me that I made her feel safe was sending an adrenaline high straight to my dick. I really needed to clear out of here. “What time did you want to head out for your appointment?”

“One o’clock should do.”

“I’ll see you then.” I turned to head to my room, then paused. When I turned back to her, I would’ve sworn under oath that I caught her checking out my ass. “Any chance you’ll let me drive this time?”

She sipped her coffee, but I saw the smile in her eyes. “No chance at all.”

* * *

“You know, I have advanced driving training.”

I casually mentioned that to Summer as she changed lanes on Main Street—aggressively—and I gripped the “holy shit” handle above the passenger door. I’d gripped it pretty much all the way to the hair salon, and now we were heading to a fashion designer’s studio for her fitting.

If we got there in one piece.

“And your point would be…?” she said.

“I’m fully qualified to drive you and keep you safe at the same time. I’m not sure that’s true the other way around.”

She laughed. “Ronan Sterling. Does my driving make you nervous?”

“I wouldn’t say nervous. Though I’d feel more relaxed if you let me take the wheel.”

“That’s incredibly sexist of you.”

“I don’t think so. I prefer to drive my clients, when I’m on a close protection detail, no matter what gender they are.”

“Close protection?”

“It’s a term.”

“It sounds sexual. Just so you know.”

I glanced at her, then looked out the window. “Does everything sound sexual to you?” Judging by her playlist at the party last night, I was pretty sure I already knew the answer to that.

“Hmm.” She pretended to think about it. “Pretty much. My mind is firmly entrenched in the gutter and I’m quite happy to leave it there.”

I said nothing.

She looked at me. “Don’t even try to tell me your mind’s not in the gutter.”