I almost turned tail and ducked back down the stairs.
Get a fucking hold of yourself.
“It’s Ronan,” I said, though I hoped by now she knew the sound of my voice. And also knew it was the only man’s voice she was gonna be hearing at her bedroom door for the foreseeable future.
I waited a moment, then said, “The guys are here to install the alarm—”
She opened the door and I stopped talking. She must’ve just gotten out of bed, because her dark hair was a mess. Total sex hair.
Probably how she’d look after rolling around in bed with me…
Stop thinking it.
Too late.
She wasn’t naked, but the sex hair and the slightly sleepy eyes were an incredible look on her. There was no makeup on her bare skin. She was wearing a silky black robe, with a wisp of something lacy underneath. Pale-blue.
She was tying the robe, cinching it around her waist, and I averted my eyes.
I cleared my throat and tried again. “Maddox and his guys are here to install the alarm system and change out the locks on the exterior doors. They’ll need access to your bedroom. But I’ve told them not to bother you. You can let them know when it’s a good time to access this room.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m heading out for a bit. Popping over to the office and picking up some things from my place. You need anything, talk to Maddox until I get back.”
“Okay…” she said, sounding uncertain as she gazed up at me. Those pale-blue eyes…
Every time they locked on mine, I felt like I’d trip and fall right in.
“I won’t be long,” I assured her. “You can call me if you need to. I can take a call, anytime.”
Silence. I wasn’t sure what else to say.
It felt strange to be leaving her, when I’d told her I was here to protect her. But it was broad daylight, she had three men downstairs, and I really had no reason to hesitate.
Any chance Blair Sanchuk tried to come skulking around, I’d hear about it from the tail we’d put on him, long before he ever got close. From the moment he was released from the police station yesterday, we’d had a guy following him, reporting in to my partner, Naveen.
I hadn’t told Summer that.
These were decisions made with Brody and Jude. Putting a tail on Sanchuk, but not telling Summer about it. The less she knew or had to hear about him, the better. That was what Brody had decided, and Jude and I had agreed. Brody was paying for the tail himself, so I really had no reason to argue. He knew Summer better than I did, and if he thought we should keep things on a need-to-know basis, for now, so be it. Seemed to make sense at the time.
Looking into her eyes, I wasn’t so sure.
But for now, I’d stick with the plan.
Anyway, even if Sanchuk got near this house, one glimpse of Maddox’s Harley and the security company van parked in the driveway was sure to send him running.
“I’ll be back soon,” I assured her.
I turned and headed back downstairs, trying to stop mentally peeling that robe off her shoulders and sliding my hand into her panties.
Too. Late.
Was she wearing panties…?