Page 28 of Sweet Temptation

I headed downstairs to find Ronan standing by the front door, which was the last place I’d seen him last night.

“Good morning,” I said as I came to a stop, looking him over.

He was… bigger… than I remembered him being. Maybe because most of the time I’d been talking to him last night, he’d been seated at the bar.

Now that we were alone and it was daytime, and maybe I could actually see what was in front of me… he took up a lot of space. Broad and built… Kinda thick all over, in the best way. He towered over me by over half a foot; he had to be six-two or so. I was five-eight… in three-inch heels.

And yes, he was handsome.

I tried not to stare too much.

“Morning.” His gaze flickered over me, head-to-toe, the same way it had several times last night. The man seemed to be assessing everything, at all times. I could practically see the gears turning behind those penetrating, light-brown eyes.

“You know, you’re welcome to sit down,” I informed him.

“I was just stepping outside to make some calls.”

I watched as he slipped on his plain black leather jacket. His brown hair was shaved short on the sides, longer on top but smoothed into place. He looked incredibly polished for someone who’d slept in those clothes last night.

He also smelled decidedly fresh. In fact, I caught the faint scent of the bodywash I left in the guest shower.

So, he’d found himself the comforts of home after all.

Also… did I smell eggs?

“What is that?” I looked over at the takeout bags on my bar.

“Breakfast sandwiches,” he said. “Had them delivered a little while ago. They’re still warm, if you want one.”

Well. Wasn’t that just… thoughtful.

I walked over and took a look in one of the bags as he opened the front door.

“Do you want a coffee?” I called over. “I’m making some before we go.”

“That would be nice. Thank you.”

“Extra sugar?” I said, not meeting his eyes. I dug one of the wrapped sandwiches out of the bag.

“Sure,” he said, and headed outside. The door closed softly behind him, and I looked over. I saw his dark form heading away from the house through the frosted window.

I took a look at the sandwich. Egg and back bacon. Yum.

Points for Ronan.

I put on coffee and enjoyed my sandwich, in the sliver of peace and quiet that I got the distinct feeling might be the only one I’d get today.

When I was done, I headed out to the driveway with two travel mugs filled with coffee for us. I found Ronan standing next to his car, talking on his phone.

As I approached, I checked out his ride. It was a late-model black Camaro, very nice. Powerful. Sexy…

Suited him.

I had a thing for hot cars. When they were driven by hot men, all the better.

I held out his coffee to him. “Thanks, brother,” he said, to whoever he was talking to, then hung up. “Thanks for the coffee,” he said to me, eying the travel mug I’d handed him. It was pink and said Queen Bitch on it. I’d kept the plain black one for myself.

He didn’t even crack a hint of a smile. What was it with security guys and the ultra serious thing?