Page 202 of Sweet Temptation

“Your bodyguard. Flynn. Is in love. With your sister.” I rubbed my lips gently together to blend the lipstick. “You know. Angeline. Your one and only sibling.”


“Jesus, how many times do you want me to repeat it?”

“Until it makes sense to me.”

“Your bodyguard is in love with your little sister. Desperately.” I stood back from the mirror again, fluffing my hair. “Believe it, baby.”

“Oh, God.”

“Why ‘Oh, God’? This is great news.”


“Why not? Bitch, he’s been single forever. And that girl needs herself a man.”

“Does she?”

“You have got to make this happen.”

“Do I?”

“Elle Delacroix,” I scolded her. “Angeline is a sweetheart and she’s dying to fall in love. And you know Flynn is solid.”

“Angie falls in love every other week,” she said, sounding deeply uninterested in this entire conversation.

“Unrequited crushes are not what we’re talking about here. I think this is the real deal. He’s mad about that girl. You should’ve seen the way he was looking at her at the club last night. It was poetic.”

“Last night? I was there last night. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because I wanted to be sure. And believe me, I’m sure. And after you and Flynn left, I grilled her about Johnny O. Nothing is happening between them. She’s just crushing on him.”

“And that proves my point, if I wasn’t being clear. My sister falls in love with rock stars. If you haven’t noticed, Flynn is not one.”

“No, your sister drools over your rock star friends from a safe distance. That’s not the same thing.” I adjusted my bra, pumping up my cleavage. I planned to slip a pretty, sheer blouse and a flouncy silk skirt over the lingerie. The outfit would be soft on the outside, pure sex on the inside, and I was hoping my date was gonna love it. “Angeline is an old-school romantic, Elle. Just like you.”

“Like me?”

“Yes. Like you. But unlike you, she lives in la-la land.”

“No shit.”

“So maybe all that girl really needs is a good man. And not some fantasy. A real flesh-and-blood man who’ll adore her and sweep her off her feet. You know, like Seth did to you,” I pressed.


“And treat her like the angel she is.”


“And fuck her upside-down—”

“Please don’t.”

“And Flynn is dying to do it. But he thinks you’ll disapprove. I confronted the ever-loving hell out of him today, and—”

“What? Really?”