Page 148 of Sweet Temptation

“It was… unique.”

She smirked.

“Justice and Mia seem like good people.”

“They are. The best people.”

“Who’s Trevor?” I asked, not-casually. “Or Toxic or whatever his name is.”

Summer eyed me. “One of the hottest DJs in the country. I told you that.”

“You know him well?”

“Are you asking me if he and I are an item?”

“If you are, I need to know it.” That came out a lot more growly than I meant it to.

This jealousy bullshit was really gonna have to go.

Small problem with that: I couldn’t really see myself ever being okay with her hooking up with Trevor the hot DJ… or anyone else.

“No, Ronan. He’s not my boyfriend.” She raised an eyebrow at me. “Or my boy toy. Or my anything. We’re friends. And colleagues, obviously.”


“Why do you ask?”

I chose my words carefully. “You seemed to be in each other’s space a lot while you were playing.”

Yeah. I sounded jealous as fuck.

When did I get so fucking transparent with women? Last I heard, I had the strong-silent-type thing pretty down.

Something about Summer made me lose my grip on that. She made me lose my grip on a lot of things.

“So we could hear each other over the music,” she said, studying me. “We were catching up. I haven’t seen him in a while.”

I decided to believe what she was telling me and stop fantasizing about tossing DJ Toxic with all the K’s and S’s off his Ewok tower.

“You had fun?” I asked her.

“I always have fun.”

“Uh-huh. Why don’t you want your family to know about what happened?” I just couldn’t stop pressing on that.

Summer sighed again. “Because I love them. And they love me. And I’m afraid they’ll be overly concerned, and it will interfere with their lives.” She studied me in the near-dark. “I’m safe, right? I have you.”

Well, that felt way too good. Those words, out of Summer’s mouth… I have you.

And the way she was looking at me…

Almost made my dead, putrified heart sneeze out a dusty beat.

“You need to tell them, Summer.”

“I know.”

I looked away.