Page 110 of Sweet Temptation

“And then what happened?”

“I let him drive me home and went to bed like a good girl.”

“And since when are you a good girl?”

“Exactly. No one but my dad has ever had this kind of say over my life. And you know my dad has a way of making me all… melty. No other man has ever had that power. It’s unholy.”

“Because you don’t usually give anyone else that power.”

“That is fabulously true.”

“Why don’t you just tell him you like him, like the big girl you are, and ask him to assign someone else on his team to be your bodyguard. Then you’re free to ask him on a date.”

“Elle. You don’t ask an alpha like that on a date. You let him chase you.”

“Then get another bodyguard, and let the chase commence.”

“I can’t. I have the best bodyguard right now. Why would I get rid of him?”

“Well, what do you want me to say? I guess you’re screwed.”

“Can’t I have both?”

“It’s not a good idea, Summer.”

“I want to seduce him, though. How fun would that be?”

She kinda snorted. “I give up.”

“You can’t give up.” I stood back to check my makeup, and the time on my phone. “He got all steamed up when I was talking to guys at the club. I think he was jealous. It was… tantalizing.”

“You two are in deep, deep trouble. I can’t watch. Just call me after it implodes and we’ll do a spa day or something.”

“Elle. I always help you with your man shit. This is a best friend SOS. Help me.”

“I’m not sure telling me to fuck every hot dude I ever met was exactly helping, over the years, but okay. If I were you—”

“No. No offense, sweetie, but if I were you doesn’t help me. Because you would hang back and let it play out. And you know I don’t have that kind of patience.”

“Jesus.” She snickered. “He is not even gonna know what’s coming, is he?”

“I mean, he watched me at a fitting yesterday. I had on this amazing translucent bra. He has some idea.”

“So… you think he wants you, but just won’t do anything about it because of his job?”

“I think so. I’m not sure yet.”

“Get to know him more. Like I told you already. And meanwhile, go on with your life. Don’t let him go caveman on you again. You do you. He’s security. That’s all it is unless he’s willing to admit he wants more.”

“Hmm. That’s good advice, Elle.”

“Don’t sound so surprised.”

“I am, really.”

Elle laughed. “Fuck you. And by the way, if he’s the alpha you say he is, he’s not gonna let anything get in the way of what he wants, if he wants you. Remember that.”

“Damn. You know, you really know more about men than I think.”