Page 89 of Sweet Temptation

He shook his head and definitely tried not to smile. “Have a nice party, Summer.” He got in the car and they backed out of the driveway.

Ronan stepped aside to let them pass, then walked over to me where I was enjoying my smoke.

“What?” I said, when he just stared at me.

“They let you smoke weed in DJ school?” he said, straight-faced.

Hmm. Was he listening to that entire conversation?

“It was a prerequisite. Were you really on a call?’”

“With my partner,” he said.

“And how did you know I went to DJ school?”

“I didn’t.”

“Music and Computer Science,” I told him, offering him the joint.

He declined with a shake of his head.

“It was a legit university degree,” I went on, “and I got it. Made my parents happy. I grew up a total tech nerd. Played classical piano for old people in concert theaters by day and snuck into raves by night. That’s where I found my heart.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “But I’m sure you know all that.”

He neither confirmed nor denied. “Are you close with your parents?” he asked instead.


“Have you told them about what happened?”

I took a puff off my joint and mumbled, “Not yet.”

He gave me a look that suggested I should get on that.

“I’ll get around to it,” I muttered.

I would. Eventually. But my dad was gonna freak, and it wasn’t gonna be pretty.

That could just wait a while. I had enough to deal with right now.

“So, what was that about?” he asked. “With Elle’s bodyguard. Flynn?”

“You know his name. Don’t say it like you don’t. I’m sure you’ve got a dossier on everyone I’ve come into contact with in the last year.” When he didn’t even open his mouth to deny that, I said, “Holy shit. Do you?”

“You were flirting with him. Should I put that in the dossier?”

His face was carefully blank. He had the stony thing down, but the man definitely asked provocative questions. Made me wonder what was really going on in his head.

“I told you, I flirt with a lot of people. I think Flynn’s a bigger fan of you than me, though. Says you’re a god among bodyguards… something like that.”

Ronan said nothing, just studying me as I smoked my joint.

“I heard he used to work for you,” I pried.

“He did.”

That was all he offered on the subject.

“He’s in love with some mystery girl,” I filled him in, breezily. “I’m just trying to figure out who it is. I love playing matchmaker.”