Page 57 of Sweet Temptation

And there it was. Bossing me around again.

“How did you find out about all that?”

“We have contacts in the police department, and we use them.”

Hmm. Contacts who were helping him snoop on me?

“Do you think they’re related?” I asked him.

“I think there’s a possibility Blair Sanchuk set off your neighbor’s alarm when he climbed her garage, trying to get over your fence and onto your property without tripping the motion-activated light over your driveway.”


“It’s possible.”

“And you think he stole my wardrobe case?”

“It’s possible.”

I considered that as I tried to eat. My food was suddenly way less appealing.

Honestly, I hadn’t consciously chosen to keep that stuff from him. I’d just forgotten about it after Elle brought it up.

Maybe I’d wanted to forget.

“The more information I have,” he told me, “the better I can do my job. Even if it seems unrelated or irrelevant to you, tell me anyway.”

I swallowed a sigh. I really hated being told what to do, but when the man was right…


He resumed eating, but I didn’t.

The possibility that Blair might’ve tried to sneak onto my property, but got scared off by my neighbor’s alarm, the night before he did it again and I caught him doing it, wasn’t sitting so well.

At this point, I was actually kinda hoping he’d smoked meth out of that pipe and totally wasn’t thinking straight when he did what he did. That was scary enough, yet somehow it was marginally more easy to swallow than the idea that he’d already attempted to break in the night before, failed, and come back to try again.

That felt a lot more calculated. Pre-meditated.


After a moment, I gathered my voice and said, “It’s really quiet in here.”

Ronan looked at me. I wasn’t eating anymore, and he definitely noticed. Inconveniently, the man seemed to notice everything.

Including the fact that I was so distracted by him that I’d almost gotten us in a car accident this morning.

“You don’t like silence?” he asked.

“I can hear you chewing. It’s weird.”

“You prefer noise at all times?”

“Noise. Music. People. All of the above.”

“Sometimes silence can be good.”

“I guess,” I said, unconvinced.