Yeah. I was pretty fucking sure.
He put a hand on the table to steady himself. “Fuck. I’m hammered.”
I just laughed.
“You are so sexy,” he croaked. He sounded parched. His head was kinda hanging as he peered up at me. He looked like it was taking all his effort to stand, actually.
His dick was still pretty hard, though.
“Oh, baby.” I got up and went to get him a glass of water from the kitchen. “Drink some water.”
He chugged some back, then passed it to me. I took a swig as he watched, then set the glass aside.
“Are you fully cognizant of the fact that you just showed Andre your dick? While it was obscenely hard?”
“Maybe one of us will forget about that by tomorrow?”
“I kinda think that mental image is gonna be burned into his brain, forever and always.”
“It’s your fault,” he said, his voice gruff. “You stripped off all your… stuff. I’ve been hard for the last twenty minutes.”
My gaze drifted down to his stiff dick, and I definitely filed that away.
Can get it up, even when wasted.
“That’s impressive,” I told him, sitting down in my chair again. “Given how drunk you are.”
He leaned over me, braced against the table, and his eyes dragged over my body. “Do that thing again…”
“What thing?”
“You know, where you peel your panties off while you’re still wearing your skirt.”
“I can’t. My panties are already off. I can do this, though.” I put a leg up on the edge of the table so my skirt fluttered back, hooked my thumbs under the lace at the top of my stocking, and started sliding it down my thigh.
Ronan groaned and his dick flexed.
Then he hauled me out of my chair and manhandled me over to the couch.
Not so worried about hurting me when he’s horny…
We tumbled onto the couch in a groping, drunken heap. He rammed into me while I was still in my bra and flouncy skirt and one stocking. He fucked me while we kissed like we were drunk—on each other.
We screwed each other until we were sweating, and I told him, “Don’t stop. Don’t pull out…”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
I could feel the intensity of his arousal as he drove into me, the anticipation of coming inside me for the first time. And after he pulled my hair and bit my neck and growled out I’m gonna come so deep in that pussy you’re gonna taste it, I came so hard I was afraid the neighbors might call the cops because they thought he was murdering someone.
He wasn’t exactly quiet about his orgasm, either.
Apparently, the only thing that made Ronan come harder than my mouth or hands on his dick was being buried deep in my pussy.
We lay in a sweaty, panting, entangled heap for long minutes afterwards. My head was spinning and I was pretty sure birdies were tweeting all around it like in an old cartoon.
And maybe hearts were throbbing in my eyes.