Summer was sitting with her back to me, her headphones on.
I slipped inside, trying not to startle her.
I’d been inside her studio the first night I was here, but I’d never been in here while she was working. Posters and flyers from events wallpapered the walls. Performer passes from shows she’d played hung on a coat rack, and there were a lot of them. A shelving unit was stuffed with vinyl albums. One wall had several keyboards set up on an ascending rack. There were a few microphones, the kind I’d seen in recording booths in movies. And the rest was a mess of computers, both old and new, speakers and wires.
Everything seemed to have a purpose and a place, but I couldn’t have guessed what half of it did. I’d never asked her to explain it all to me, either.
I’d wanted to respect this as her work space, and not bother her when she was in the zone.
I hadn’t even managed to fuck her in here yet like I wanted to. Was gonna have to remedy that, soon.
But right now, I just needed to see her. Kiss her.
Know she was okay.
“I hear you creeping up on me.” She slipped off her headphones as she turned to me.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“You have a scent. Motorcycle exhaust and wind on leather. And sex, of course.”
I slipped my hands onto her shoulders, under her hair, and kissed her on the forehead. “Where are your parents?”
“They went home.”
“They didn’t want to stay for dinner or something?” That surprised me, given how they’d reacted to the whole situation. They seemed like a close family, and they were definitely invested in their daughter’s safety.
“We had lunch,” she said, as I leaned back against the desk where she was sitting in front of a laptop. “But they had some shopping to do before catching the ferry home, and they wanted to beat rush hour. They’re creatures of habit. Plus, you impressed my dad enough that he chilled out a bit after you left. I managed to deflect them on the whole attempted break-in thing by telling them about the wardrobe case that got stolen the night before.” She rolled her eyes.
I raised an eyebrow. “You told your dad about the ring?”
I knew there was a special ring, a diamond ring that Summer’s dad had given her, that was in the case that was stolen; she’d told me about it, plus I’d seen it on the itemized list for the insurance company.
I was surprised she’d admit to him that it was stolen.
“Yup. That was hard, but I couldn’t not tell him.”
“How did he take it?”
“Okay. He was upset at first. But I managed to soothe him by reminding him how safe I am now… thanks to you.” She gave me a warm look that made me feel way too pleased with myself. “I think he really likes you, Ronan.”
“Good. Because I have a feeling you’d be getting rid of me pretty damn fast if he didn’t.”
“And what makes you think that?”
“You’re thirty years old, and I heard him call you both princess and honey-bunch. You tell me.”
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m a daddy’s girl. And I’m not sorry. It’s an awesome thing to be.”
“It is awesome. Maybe if all parents cherished their kids like he cherishes you, the world wouldn’t be so fucked-up.”
“Hmm. Good point.”
“So,” I asked, trying to be casual about it, “how long are you gonna be working here?”
She smiled at me. “A while. Can I play you something?”
“Uh… sure.” I was flattered she would even want to play me whatever she was working on. “Musically challenged” as I was.