“Jesus Christ,” Xander grumbled.
“And Jordan may not be as gay as you hoped if she’s letting him drill her with it,” I concluded. I took a sip of my drink and smiled at Courteney. “Helpful?”
“Very,” she said.
Xander glowered.
“You’ve ordered them not to be together when they’re around you?” Ash said with a chuckle. “How long do you think that’s gonna last?”
“Hopefully until he gets over it,” Courteney said, stroking Xander’s neck soothingly.
“Can we all talk about something else?” he said.
“Oh, I have more gossip!” Courteney said brightly. “Xander went on a date with a man.”
Xander groaned.
“I really, really like your girlfriend,” I informed him.
He half-smiled, because he fucking adored her. That much was obvious, because he wasn’t even trying to shut her up.
“For that charity auction, remember?” Courteney said.
“Oh, I remember.” I’d been at that charity event, last month, when Xander was up for bid in a bachelor auction. I was pretty sure that Xander was zero-percent gay, but a man in the audience who obviously was had paid two-hundred-thousand dollars for the pleasure of having dinner with him.
“Oh, do tell,” Danica said. “How was it?”
“What do you mean, how was it?” Xander said. “It was dinner with a dude.”
“Yeah, but did sparks fly?” she teased.
“Yeah, Xan,” Ash put in. “Did you put out?”
“Did he call you afterward?” Danica said. “Are you seeing him again?”
“Very funny.”
“When did this happen?” I asked.
“Last week.” Courteney grinned and looked to her man for confirmation. “I think they had a nice time.”
“It wasn’t horrible,” Xander admitted. “Though I’d still rank it as the worst date I’ve ever had.”
“Only because he didn’t get laid at the end of it,” Courteney poked. “The guy is super rich, and he has a membership to some exclusive sex club. He invited Xander to come with him and said he’d sponsor him as his special guest, and they could have group sex with kinky rich people,” she gushed, all in one excited breath.
I looked at Xander. He just sighed and shook his head.
“So obviously, you went,” Ash said. “How many of the kinky rich people did you screw?”
Danica giggled.
“Can we seriously talk about something else?” Xander tried again.
“He wasn’t interested,” Courteney supplied, squeezing her man’s bicep. “I told him he should try to get us both an invite so we could go together and just, you know, look… because once in a lifetime opportunity, right?” Xander threw her a darkly disapproving look and she shrugged. “He didn’t like that idea.”
“Really?” Ash said. “What else are you gonna do? You just said you’re bored as shit.”
“Yeah, Xander,” Danica teased, “maybe you’d learn something.”