Page 168 of Sweet Temptation

I wasn’t about to tell Piper about that, though. I wasn’t gonna tell him I saw a Bastard at Justice Sorensen’s party. I wouldn’t risk getting Summer’s brother in trouble with the Kings. I wouldn’t be breathing a word about that to anyone, including Summer, until I knew what the fuck was going on there.

“Hope you figure it out,” Piper said neutrally.

“Yeah. Thanks for the intel,” I forced out. Unfortunately, I was thankful.

It was more than my team had come up with.

“You see this guy anywhere, you know what to do.” Piper held my gaze a moment longer, until I finally nodded.

I didn’t like it, but the fact was, we both knew he was probably the only one who wanted Sanchuk as much as I did.

If I called the police to tell them an alleged member of some outlaw motorcycle club from out of the country was hanging out in Vancouver, what the fuck were they gonna do about it? I had no evidence of Sanchuk’s club affiliation, no evidence of any other crime he’d committed, and I didn’t even know where the guy was.

For all I knew, Blair Sanchuk had fled town and was never coming back.

I watched Piper and Blazer get back on their bikes and drive away.

I exhaled.

And yeah, I realized I’d just about lost my cool, my control, when Piper pushed my buttons about Summer. He was just pushing, testing. Feeling me out.

I would’ve done the same if I were him.

And I realized why I’d almost lost it.

I was falling in love with her.

I knew it when I was fucking her last night.

I knew it now, when I wasn’t even with her.

And I knew it when I considered that she was very possibly still in danger.

So I got on my bike, and I flew home to her.

* * *

Unfortunately, we didn’t have time for a pre-gig quickie that night.

Too bad, because by the time we got to the club, I was in a surly fucking mood. Really could’ve used some tension relief.

I’d worked events at the Pandora Ballroom a few times, years ago, and I still had guys here all the time working event security. I knew the venue, the management, some of the security staff.

It should’ve been a smooth and easy gig.

But I was tense as shit all day, in the wake of that meeting with Piper and Blazer.

I’d do her.

Yeah, no shit.

A lot of guys would do her. That was clear enough at her shows.

But I did not like those assholes putting it in my face.

They were trying to figure out if Blair Sanchuk was after her because of her, or because of anything to do with their business. Which is exactly what I’d want to know if I were them.

It was exactly what I wanted to know, too.