Page 153 of Sweet Temptation

Like the asshole I was.

“Well, I’m glad you did,” she said, slowly. But she didn’t look happy. “But… Fuck, I’m just gonna say it. This is really awkward.”

Yeah. It was awkward as fuck trying to get comfortable in this seat, with a volcano brewing in my jeans, and not squirm around like my pants were on fire.

“What is?”

“I’m a bit embarrassed,” she said softly, “about crawling into bed with you in Montreal. Asking you to sleep with me.”


“I don’t usually get embarrassed so easily. But ever since then… I’m having a hard time looking you in the eye.”

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” I told her.

“Oh, yes there is.”

“My job is to keep you safe. You were safe. No need to dwell on it any more than that.”

Because if we dwelled on it right now, I’d have to think about her fingers grazing my stomach as she’d laid her arm across me in that hotel bed.

Bad idea.

Except now I was thinking it. I could practically feel it. I was covered in cold sweat. Was I glistening?

Summer studied me for a long moment.

She was right. Having her sleep in my bed at the hotel was a definite problem. Not because it happened. Because I wanted it to happen again.

And it shouldn’t happen again.

Couldn’t happen again.

Might happen again…

“I know nothing happened,” she said quietly. “But I felt… I don’t know. All kinds of things between us. Maybe it was just me.”

It wasn’t just her.

“I know you’re just here to keep me safe,” she went on. “You told me from day one that you’d basically risk your life for me, as part of your duty to your job. So sleeping in a bed with me to make me feel safe is probably not a big deal to you.” She shook her head and rubbed her fingernails down her neck, and my dick flexed.

Maybe I needed to take a cold walk outside.

Or fucking kiss her.

“I don’t know what’s with me lately. This stalker thing is so fucking unnerving.” She kinda groaned. “I mean, I had this weirdly misplaced crush on Elle’s bodyguard this year, and—”

“Flynn?” I interrupted her.

“Yeah. Flynn.” She smiled a little. “What?”

“I just can’t see you with Flynn.” Of course, I couldn’t see her with anyone.

Except me.

“I can’t either,” she said, with a short laugh. “And I keep asking myself, what is up with me? Am I really gonna let this Blair loser fuck up my life and make me jump at every little noise?”
