I just couldn’t stop saying them.
“Maybe you bore yourself.”
Her jaw dropped, but then she smiled a little. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Well… often the things we dislike about other people are the same things we dislike about ourselves.”
“And there you go, being mysterious again. Now you’re wise, too? I’ll need to add that to the list.”
“What list?”
“You know, your list of fabulous qualities.”
Yeah, my heart was beating way too fast now. I liked it way too much that she liked me. I could barely hear from the blood rushing through my ears.
My whole body throbbed.
It was like my heart was punishing me for waking it from its lengthy hibernation.
“I didn’t know there was a list,” I said. My nipples were hardening. Goosebumps were breaking out as I warmed from the inside. I was starting to sweat.
“You knew there was a list. It’s in your dossier.” She tapped her head. “And don’t be false modest. That’s definitely boring. But you’re probably half-right. I’m afraid of boring myself, maybe.”
“You’re afraid of ending up with a boring man, and having to cut him loose?”
“Sweetheart, I cut men loose all the time.”
God, I loved it when she called me sweetheart.
I wanted to lick that beautiful pale neck of hers and tell her to do it again.
“So…” I cleared my throat. “You’re afraid of finding one you really like and boring him?”
“Oh my God.” She laughed, heartily. “I think that would be the ultimate in failure.”
I laughed too, a little.
“Look at that, I made you laugh,” she said. “Not boring you so far?”
“I don’t think it would be possible for you to bore me. Have you ever found a man who didn’t bore you?”
Christ. When did I become such a fucking idiot?
Was it the moment I met her?
Or was I always more stupid than I’d thought?
Questions for future contemplation. When I wasn’t stranded in a car in the woods with Summer Sorensen and a hard-on.
“Sure,” she said. “A few times.”
“Did Ashley Player bore you?”
Holy fuck. Why didn’t I just whip out my dick and ask her to jerk me off while she described her favorite memories of all her exes?
Was I a masochist now?
She gave me a long look. “What do you think?” She sighed. “Ashley Player is not a boring man. That’s pretty self-evident.”