I stood up. “I guess you don’t know the back of your hand as well as one might hope.”
She planted her hands on her hips. “Is that a masturbation reference?”
I drew back. “That is definitely not a masturbation reference.”
And now all I could picture was her hand between her legs.
“Uh, guys…” That was Andre, but neither of us were listening.
“You missed the turnoff,” Summer informed me, like I didn’t get that the first time.
“So did you.”
“You were driving!” she shot back.
“You were supposed to be navigating,” I countered.
“Is this a bad time to tell you guys that I don’t have cell service?”
We stopped bickering and turned to look at Andre, who held up his phone.
Then we looked at each other.
We both whipped out our phones like we were drawing for a shootout in the Wild West. I got mine first. “Shit.”
“Shit!” she echoed.
Andre wandered around, his phone held out in front of him, obviously trying to pick up a signal.
“Is this fucking happening?” I muttered. I went to reach in through the open window and turn off the car.
Summer was watching me, and she actually looked semi-apologetic. “There may be some dead spots out here.”
“Yeah. I got that.”
“It can’t be that far back,” Andre said, looking back along the road. “We’ve been driving for what, ten minutes?”
“Is that all?” I said sarcastically.
“I’ll walk back to the house,” he volunteered.
“I’ll go with you,” Summer said.
I stepped in front of her and she bumped right into me. “Uh, no, you won’t.”
“Andre doesn’t know the way,” she protested.
“Neither do you, apparently.”
“We just have to go back to the turnoff and take the right turn.”
“The right turn, or the correct turn?” Andre asked.
“The left turn.” She stared me down. “See? He needs me. I know the way.”
“Andre knows right from left. You’re not going back to that party.”
Now she narrowed her eyes at me. “Why not?”