She gazed into my eyes, looking strong, like she always did, but also… scared. Unsure. “Can I stay here? With you?”
“Uh… yeah. Okay.”
Wrong answer.
But what was I supposed to say? No?
No, you can’t stay here with me. It’s inappropriate.
Go back to your room, scared and alone.
I put my hand out, directing her over to the little sitting area across from the bed. She took a few steps in that direction, then stopped in the middle of the room. She looked around.
She looked at the bed.
Then she turned to me, gazing up at me with her pale-blue eyes.
“I’m really tired. I haven’t been able to sleep at all. I just want to sleep, but I can’t.”
I just listened, staring at her.
“Can I sleep with you?”
I swallowed the sudden, jagged lump in my throat.
Summer laughed a little, under her breath, and groaned. “That sounded pathetic. I’m not hitting on you, I promise. I just… need to not be alone tonight.” Her eyes held mine. Hopeful.
I couldn’t find words. Heat rushed to my cock when she gave me that look, even as I told myself this wasn’t about that.
My cock didn’t seem to believe me.
“I’ll be good, I promise,” she said softly.
“Uh… yeah.” But I didn’t move. I just stood there, unable to move.
Fuck. I’d never been so lost for the right words in my life.
“I’m just… ruffled,” she said. “I’m sorry. This is weird.”
“No,” I said. “It’s fine. Come here.”
I touched her elbow, lightly, my fingers just brushing her robe. I nudged her over to the bed, averting my eyes from her body. I tried not to look at her at all as I peeled back the covers to let her in. “Uh, ladies first.”
“Okay.” She slipped off her robe and I definitely didn’t look. But I saw what she was wearing out of the corner of my eye. A little stretchy black nightgown thing, short, hugging her curves.
She climbed into the bed, and I definitely looked as she crawled across to the other side.
That ass.
Christ, she was sexy. I had this blinding vision of sliding my hands up her hips, under that short black thing, and tugging her toward my dick.
And ramming it into her while she cried out for more.
Nope. Reel it in.