Page 107 of Sweet Temptation

She studied me. “Do the pretty boys bother you, Ronan?”

“Why would they bother me?”

She looked me over. Up and down, slowly. “You seem bothered.”

“I’m not bothered.”

Fuck. I sounded like a jealous teenager.

“Then why bring it up?” she said cooly.

“Just letting you know, I heard you fielding a lot of offers. For afterparties.”

Her pale-blue eyes narrowed at me a little. I noticed she’d removed the feather eyelashes.

I also noticed I was getting waaay too in-her-face.

“Did you.”

“And you should also know,” I informed her, “I’m taking you home. Soon.”

Why was I fucking looming over her?

And when did my voice get so unnecessarily growly?

She tipped her head, giving me a look that said, And who the fuck are you to get growly with me?

“And what if I’m not going home?”

“I go where you go,” I reminded her. “And if you think I’m sitting outside in my car while you bang some guy in his apartment, you’re dead wrong.”

Her mouth floated open.

But instead of telling me off for that, like I probably deserved, she recovered quickly. She sipped her drink, studying me. Then she turned on her heel and headed for the door to the bar.

I beat her to it and opened it for her.

She met my eyes, once, then strut past me into the VIP area, where her “friends” were waiting to swarm her again.

I put up with it for maybe another half-hour, restless and irritated. Then I had Andre bring my car around to the back door. I told Summer it was time to go.

She said nothing, neither agreeing or disagreeing with that.

She took another twenty minutes, at least, saying her goodbyes, while I grew increasingly agitated.

Then she followed me out back without a word and I drove her home. In complete silence.

She didn’t say a word to me.

When we got to her house, she went up to bed, alone.

And I went to bed in her guest room… after jerking off in her bathroom again, thinking about her tits spilling out of that silver top, as she danced in my head.

Chapter Fourteen


The next morning, I was up by eight o’clock. Early for me, especially the morning after an event. But I had come home at like two a.m., alone, and gone straight to bed, so I’d gotten an okay sleep.