Resolve strengthened, I forced myself to continue. With each minute that passed, the pin moved closer and closer to the top of the hinge, and my hope grew. I wiggled it back and forth, working it upward, and I nearly cried with relief when it finally popped free.
I glanced at the pin in my hand. It was such a tiny thing, yet could very well be the deciding factor between life and death.
Every part of me was physically and mentally exhausted, and I took a moment to relax. Just to be on the safe side, I trudged back to the mattress and stowed the pin, along with the tiny sliver of mortar, underneath. Although I had put it off as long as possible, I could no longer ignore my body’s pressing needs. I threw a look of disdain at the bucket in the corner. I relieved myself, then placed it away from the bed.
I had just gotten back to the mattress when a thump from the direction of the door made my heart jump in my chest. A metallic click echoed in the room a second before the door swung open.
Fear rose up, threatening to choke me as a large, dark figure filled the doorway. Backlit from behind, all I could see was the bulk of his huge body. Without meaning to, I cowered in fear, shrinking away from him until my back hit the hard wall behind me. I pressed my hands to the cool stone, fighting to stay upright.
The man stepped into the room, then closed and re-locked the door behind him using a key. My heart sank as he slipped the key into his pocket then slowly approached. I flicked a quick glance at the mattress. The mortar was underneath, along with the door pin.
Did I risk going for it? As a weapon it would be fairly useless unless the door was open, or I had access to the key. The likelihood of me incapacitating him enough to get the key in his pocket was slim to none. I hated feeling helpless, but I was going to have to let this play out for the time being.
His heavy footsteps echoed in my ears, and my pulse increased with every inch he drew closer. My lungs constricted and every muscle trembled as he stepped into the light. The dark shadows outlined his craggy face in stark relief, making him look even more imposing. Those soulless brown eyes pinned me in place, and I felt frozen, unable to think, unable to move—unable to do anything but drag shallow breaths into my lungs, tight with fear.
He stared at me for what felt like forever before he finally spoke. “Strip.”
Combined with the gravelly voice, it took a few seconds for the word to register in my brain. “W-what?”
“Strip!” he thundered, his words bouncing off the walls.
Panic ricocheted through me, and I shook my head. “Please don't do this, I—”
He took another menacing step forward. Beside his leg, his hand flicked forward and a long blade appeared, glinting in the dim light.
“Oh, God, please…”
I clenched my hands into fists as he grabbed my shirt and sank the knife into the fabric, splitting it easily from collar to hem. I shook like a leaf, my mind spinning as I fought to come up with a way to escape. “I… I’ll do it.”
He studied me for a second, then finally nodded. Bile rose up my throat at the thought of exposing myself to him. The blood on the mattress caught my eye and I fought back the tears clogging my throat. I had to find a way out of this. If I could just get him to leave, even for awhile, I might have a chance at getting the door open.
I shrugged out of my ruined shirt and dropped it to the ground next to the mattress. He watched intently as I moved to my pants next, pushing them down until I was in just my bra and underwear.
I glanced up at him, and he nodded wordlessly. “On the bed.”
My stomach twisted with a combination of revulsion and fear. If I followed his directions, he would rape me or worse. “I—”
His hand shot out, grabbing my biceps and hauling me against him. I gasped, and the stench of his body hit my nostrils. Coupled with the feel of him against me, I fought the urge to gag. “P-please…”
My feet skimmed the floor as he lifted me bodily and practically slammed me onto the mattress. The motion sucked the air from my lungs, momentarily stunning me. Before I could react, he was between my legs, his hands on me. Fear choked me as he gripped the strap of my bra then jerked it down, exposing me to his view.
He roughly palmed my breast, and I bit my tongue to keep from crying out. He held me in place with one hand on my shoulder, while the other moved south. He cupped my mound outside my panties, and tears burned my eyes. Oh, God…. I couldn’t let him do this.
I flailed my left hand toward the edge of the mattress, but my range of motion was limited. There was no way I could get to the mortar or the pin to stab him. I had no leverage with him between my thighs, so I was going to have to outsmart him. His mouth dipped and he captured my nipple in a slobbery kiss that turned my stomach inside out.
In one last-ditch effort, I begged again, trying the only thing I could think of to turn him off. “Please don’t do this. Not now. I… I'm on my period.”
The man halted, his hand hovering just over my underwear, those sinister eyes staring down at me. I forced myself to stay strong, to not cower under his gaze. “Show me.”
My mouth dropped open a little bit. “What?”
“Show me,” he repeated.
Oh, God. He was testing me, just waiting for me to fail. What if he found out I’d lied to him? Still trembling, I dipped my hand beneath the waistband of my underwear and brushed my center. I slowly withdrew it and, keeping my hand in the shadow created by his huge body, held my fingers up to him. They were ragged and torn from picking at the pin on the door, and I prayed that he wouldn’t be able to see the blood had already dried and begun to flake off. He hesitated so long I thought for sure he would call my bluff.
Suddenly, his weight lifted away as he clambered off the mattress. Without another word, he snatched up my clothes, spun on a heel and strode toward the door. I watched as he unlocked it, then slammed and re-locked it behind him.
Silence fell in his absence and it was somehow both the most welcome and most intimidating sound I’d ever heard in my life. I wasn’t sure how long I lay there before relief welled up and I let out a sob. That had been too close. I didn't know if I would survive a second time. One thing was certain—he would be back again, and soon.