Her inner walls constricted, strangling my cock, and I knew she was getting close. “Let go, beautiful.”
I lightly bit down on her nipple as I drove up into her. The mixture of pleasure and pain pushed her over the edge, and she came on a broken cry. Her hips jerked several times as she rode me hard, her orgasm sweeping her away. She curled her hands into the skin of my chest as her entire body tensed, then slumped forward. I caught her weight easily, holding her tight as I continued to pump up into her, drawing out her orgasm as long as possible. Her body shuddered once more, and she let out a little cry. I slowed my strokes, knowing she had to be sensitive.
Her breath wafted over my neck, her chest rising and falling against mine on hard pants as she came down from her haze of pleasure. Turning my head, I kissed her forehead. “That was incredible.”
Her head bobbed in what I assumed was a nod, and I rolled us so she was on her back once more. Her arms looped around my shoulders, and I dipped my head to kiss her. She was so damn sweet, so perfect she made my heart ache. I wanted to stay buried inside her forever, but the need to come was almost overwhelming, each second of being surrounded by her silky heat pushing me closer and closer to the edge.
Propped on my elbows, I framed her face with my hands. Chloe’s bright blue eyes popped open, and I swore my heart fell right out of my chest. This woman was everything I’d ever wanted—and I wasn’t about to let her go.
I started to move, slowly at first, testing the waters. As I pumped my hips, stroking in and out of her tight channel, I trailed my lips over her beautiful face. I kissed her nose, her cheeks, her temples. I didn’t think I’d ever wanted a woman this much.
Emotion rose up inside me like a tidal wave, and my dick swelled with my impending release. Staring into those ocean blue eyes, I felt myself spiraling, falling fast and out of control. With a guttural cry, I let go and tipped over the edge.
I stroked in and out twice more before spilling my seed into the condom. My muscles shook with exertion, and I fought to keep myself from sprawling over her. I bowed my head and kissed her neck, loving the way her sweet scent filled my nostrils.
I forced myself to move, then disposed of the condom before coming back to bed. Lifting the sheets, I stretched out next to Chloe and wrapped my arms around her as she snuggled close. It didn’t matter that the sun shone brightly outside. There was nowhere I’d rather be than right here.
I finished up the last of my work for the day, then logged out of the computer system. I leaned back in my chair and scrubbed my hands over my face.
My job was easy but tedious, and I was beginning to detest it more and more as the days passed. Recently, I’d even considered going back to school to finish my degree, or trying to find a different job more relevant to my intended field. Unfortunately, that would mean having to reenter the work force... in public. I didn't mind going out from time to time, but I was always surrounded by friends or family. I knew I would eventually need to get back out there, but I wasn't sure I was quite ready yet.
My stomach rumbled, and I glanced at the clock in the lower corner of the computer screen. It was well past dinner time, and I pushed from my chair to go in search of food. I grabbed a single-serve frozen entrée from the freezer and popped it into the microwave, then settled back to wait as it cooked. My gaze strayed toward the hallway that led to the bedroom, and warmth settled over my skin.
A different hunger nagged at me, and I picked up my phone, hoping to find a message from Jason. My screen remained infuriatingly blank, and I let out a little sigh. He’d been called out again on another case a week ago, and he seemed to have pulled away. I wasn’t aware of the details of the case—he wasn’t able to tell me much—but I sensed it was something bad. He’d called only twice this week before bed, and his voice was full of some emotion I couldn’t name. After only a few minutes of conversation, we’d hung up, leaving me feeling needy and insecure.
I hated feeling that way, because I knew it wasn’t his fault. His job was incredibly demanding, both physically and mentally, and I knew he was doing his best to juggle everything. Still, the knowledge didn’t lessen my disappointment. I only hoped that things would improve once he was back.
I quickly ate, then showered before bed. I kept my phone near me at all times, but it remained quiet all evening. Finally, just when I was about ready to give up on him, the familiar jangle of my ringtone pierced the air. I damn near lunged for my phone and snatched it up, my heart slamming against my ribs when I saw Jason’s name.
Jason sounded weary, and my heart pinched. “How’s everything going?”
I knew he wouldn’t be able to offer any details about the case, but that wasn’t what I was after, anyway. I wanted to know how he was dealing with whatever they had found. “It’s… bad,” he finally admitted. “Sometimes I just… I hate this.”
I heard him swallow hard, and I bit my lip at the pain lacing his words. I felt terrible for doubting him, even for a second. “I’m sorry.” I wasn’t quite sure what else to say. “Are you making any progress?”
“Yeah.” He blew out a breath. “We should be done here soon, but it might take a couple of days to get everything wrapped up.”
“Okay.” I hesitated a beat when he remained quiet. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. God, do I miss you.” I heard the rustle of something in the background, and I wondered if he was in bed, too, or just getting back to his hotel room for the night. “I can’t wait to see you again.”
His softly spoken words tempered my disappointment, and I smiled. “I’m all yours. You just tell me when.”
“I’ll let you know when I’m home,” he promised.
“Can’t wait.”
We said our goodbyes, then hung up. I stared at the phone in my hand for a minute before plugging it in and placing it on the nightstand. I hated being away from him, not being able to share whatever he was going through. He sounded absolutely miserable, and my heart hurt for him. I wished there was something I could do.
For now, all I could do was offer silent support and be there if and when he was ready to talk. I hoped he would get things wrapped up quickly because I missed him like crazy. I tucked one hand under my cheek as I rolled to my side, wishing he was next to me as I finally drifted off to sleep.