Page 13 of Twisted Devil


I stepped into my apartment, relocking the door behind me, and pulled out my phone as I headed for the bedroom. I placed an order with the local pizza place down the block, then decided to hop in the shower while I waited for it be to delivered. As I stepped beneath the warm spray, I hung my head and waited for the tension to seep from my muscles. I’d been on edge for the past few days, but I wasn’t quite sure why.

That was a lie, of course. I knew exactly what was bothering me. Three days ago I’d sat in that courtroom and watched Chloe testify against the man who’d kidnapped her. I hadn’t gotten to touch her. Or talk to her. She was out of my life now for good. She had no reason to see me ever again. And it was depressing as hell.

I cursed myself again for not going to her and telling her how I felt. But how could I? She’d been through hell, and I couldn’t in good conscience heap any more on her plate. She was safe now, which was all that mattered. If that meant she was relegated to my dreams, then so be it. And her face filled my thoughts every waking moment. I knew it was fucking crazy, but I couldn’t control it. Those bright blue eyes flashed in my mind, sending a stab of regret slicing through my heart and desire spiraling straight to my cock.

I hadn’t been with a woman in more than eight months. Though I’d gone on a handful of dates, hooking up with a random woman felt wrong. All I could think of was Chloe. I knew I’d get her out of my mind eventually… But today wasn’t that day.

I fisted my erection and stroked hard, gritting my teeth against the delicious pain. God, the things that woman did to me. Over the past year I’d seen her from time to time as she prepared for the trial, and I swore we’d formed a sort of connection. She was like no woman I’d ever known, and I’d wanted time and again to tell her how much I admired her, how much I wanted her. But it was wrong. It would have been a conflict of interest to get involved with her, and now… Now all I had were the memories kept locked away in my heart.

Heat licked over my skin as I slid my hand up and down my shaft, imagining it was her hand on me. Her gorgeous full, pink lips. Her sweet little pussy. The thought of her mouth wrapped around my dick, her tongue stroking and flicking over my flesh, was my undoing. I braced one hand on the wall as I came hard, her name a ragged groan on my lips, jets of cum mingling with water and running down the drain.

I stayed like that for several minutes before finally summoning the energy to wash up. I had just stepped out of the shower when a knock came from the front door. That was quicker than I expected. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I headed out to the living room. Not bothering to look out the peephole, I threw the door open—and froze.

Chloe's bright blue eyes greeted me on the other side. They dropped to my chest, then lower before jumping up to meet mine again. I couldn't help my body's reaction to her. My groin swelled to the point of pain as her delicious scent wafted up to my nostrils. Even though I’d come mere minutes ago, unrequited desire for the woman standing in front of me made every cell of my body tense.

“Chloe.” My voice was harder than I intended when I spoke. “What are you doing here?”

Her mouth dropped open a fraction, then snapped shut. She gave her head a single tiny shake. “I… I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come.”

She whirled around before I could say a single word and started to stride away.

“Chloe!” I was lunging for her before I even realized what I was doing and wrapped one hand around her wrist. With a gasp, Chloe yanked herself from my hold. She stumbled under the motion, eyes wide with terror. I froze, wanting to reach for her but knowing it would only make things worse. Goddamn it. I stood there, feeling frustrated and impotent.

Chloe had pulled completely into herself the second I’d touched her, and her lungs rose and fell on unsteady breaths as she rested against the wall behind her.

“I’m sorry.” It wasn’t nearly enough. I never should have grabbed her the way I did, especially not from behind. In retrospect, I saw it clearly. But at the time, all I’d been able to think about was not letting her walk out of my life again. And now I’d probably fucking ruined it.

“I…” What? I knew it was wrong. Christ, I knew it was, but that didn't stop me from spilling the words on my tongue. “Please don't go.”

Those giant eyes of hers met mine and she blinked once. Twice. They were no longer filled with fear, and for that I was grateful. Her arms were tightly wrapped around her middle, though, an obvious sign of her nervousness. Not wanting to spook her, I stayed silent and waited for her to open up to me. She had come to me. Why?

As if reading my thoughts, Chloe's gaze skittered away and her teeth cut into her bottom lip. “I didn't know where else to go.”

I couldn't begin to understand what was going through her mind at the moment, but I didn't want to push her one way or the other. Grasping the knot of my towel with one hand, I leaned back against the doorjamb and just studied her. “My door is always open.”

She gave a little nod but stayed silent, and several seconds passed before I spoke again. “Do you want to come in?”

She looked torn. “I… I don't know.”

“Are you really going to make me stand out here like this?”

I lifted a brow her way, and I swore I saw the tiniest twitch of her lips as she repressed a smile. “I suppose not.”

I tipped my head toward my apartment. “I ordered some pizza; it should be here in a few minutes.”

“Oh, I don't want to interrupt.” She shook her head. “I'll just…”

“Chloe.” Blue eyes blinked up at me, and I knew I couldn't let her walk away. “Have dinner with me. Please.”



I stood in the hallway fighting to draw in a full breath, my heart racing in my chest. This had all seemed like a good idea an hour ago. Now though, I wasn't so sure. I told myself a hundred times on the way over that I would follow through with it.

My psychologist told me the feelings would eventually go away. My anxiety recently had been through the roof, and together we’d devised a plan for me to try something new once a week. I was supposed to do something the old me would have done without a second thought. Well, this was definitely new. I didn't even really know Jason, yet here I stood outside his apartment. I was literally setting myself up for the exact same situation I escaped a year ago. I should be terrified. I was nervous. Worried. But not scared. Deep down I knew Jason would never hurt me.