Page 9 of Twisted Devil

“You're okay. You're safe.” I gently patted her back as she clung to me.

I watched over her shoulder as my team apprehended Wainwright. His dark gaze was fixed on Chloe wrapped in my arms, and the look on his face was enough to send chills down my spine even from this far away.

“You're so brave, Chloe. I'm so proud of you.” I continued to speak to her, offering soothing reassurances until the police and medics showed up. By then, her sobs had quieted and her body relaxed in my arms. “I need to have the medic check you out,” I said to her in a soft voice. “Is that okay?”

Her arms tightened around my neck, and her head moved against my shoulder in what I assumed was a nod. I glanced down at her feet. They were a bloody mess, and the sight sent fury spiking through me. “I'm going to carry you over there, okay?”

Her head bobbed another nod, and I lifted her into my arms as carefully as I could. “They got him, Chloe. Everything will be okay.”

She kept her arms linked around my neck, face tucked into my chest, like she couldn't bear to look at the place she’d just escaped. I didn’t blame her. “We’ll get you all taken care of,” I promised.

The low sound of approaching sirens filled the air, and her tear-stained face slowly lifted from my chest. “Is he gone?”

I glanced over to the police cruiser where Wainwright sat ensconced inside the backseat. “He will be soon.”

She pressed her forehead to my chest and shook her head. “I don’t want to see him.”

“You don't have to,” I said fiercely as the ambulance pulled onto the scene. “You just keep your eyes on me. Okay?”

Her head moved against my throat, and a little flicker of regret moved through me as I stepped up next to the medic. They already had the stretcher out and ready to go. They would need to treat all of her wounds and probably get an IV started, judging from the looks of her. I gently lay her down, then stepped back.

“Wait!” Her eyes flew to me, and one arm shot out in my direction. “Don't leave.”

“Okay.” I started to reach for her hand then stopped, not wanting to hurt her further. I rested my hand on the gurney next to her. “I'm right here. I won't let anything happen to you.”

Her chest rose and fell on a deep breath and she gave a little nod. As I climbed into the ambulance behind them, my words reverberated in my mind, and a strange feeling welled up inside me. Protectiveness, but something else. Something stronger. I battled it down, shoving it to the back of my mind.

My gaze fell to her hands resting gently over her abdomen, and my stomach flipped at the sight. Rage simmered in my veins as I took in the raggedly torn nails, the battered, bloody flesh. I swore with every fiber of my being that he would pay for hurting her.



I tipped my head back against the mound of pillows in the hospital bed and let out a sigh. Ever since I’d been admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon, it had been a whirlwind of activity. My mom and dad had both stopped in to see me, but that was more exhausting than comforting.

Divorced since I was four, they were the epitome of dysfunctional. Both had remarried, and I had five stepsiblings, none of whom had come to visit me. Not that I minded. That was more than I wanted to deal with at the moment. My mother was always super dramatic, and somehow she managed to turn every situation around and make it about herself. My father, after making sure I wasn’t mortally wounded, had lectured me on the importance of paying closer attention to my surroundings.

A little over half an hour ago, I had feigned sleep and they had both finally left me in blessed silence. I turned my head and stared out the window. I couldn't sleep. Over the past twenty-four hours, I had dozed for probably a total of thirty minutes.

Every time I closed my eyes, I saw him. I could feel his arms coming around me outside the coffee shop, choking off my air. I smelled the dank mildew of the cellar, saw the bloodstained mattress in the corner.

A shiver racked my body and my fingers clenched the thin white blanket that covered the bed. Thank God the police had shown up when they did. Had they been a few more minutes behind, I likely would've been back in the cellar… Or dead. I wasn't entirely sure which would have been worse.

Two quick knocks came from the door, and my heart jumped into my throat as I snapped my head in that direction. Jason stood outlined in the doorway, looking slightly uneasy. “May I come in?”

I drew in a deep breath to settle my heart. “Of course.”

He moved to the chair next to the bed, never tearing his eyes from me. “How are you feeling?”

I lifted one shoulder. “Fine.”

“This isn't an interview.” He lifted a hand and reached for me. Suspended in midair, just inches away, he froze. I saw his gaze linger on the bandages that had been wrapped around my hands, protecting my damaged fingers. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the movement.

“It’s okay,” I said softly.

He shook his head, but didn’t say anything else for several seconds. He seemed lost in thought, and my stomach twisted with apprehension as I waited for him to break the tense silence. He looked… furious. Nothing like the man I’d met at the coffee shop several mornings ago. He hadn’t even looked like that yesterday when he’d pulled me into his arms to protect me.

My gaze followed his movements as he finally settled his hand on the bed right next to my forearm. I stared at it, a dozen emotions rocketing through me. Relief that he hadn’t touch me. Disappointment for the same reason. It was irrational, but a huge part of me wanted to feel his skin on mine. I wanted the comfort and compassion, I wanted to feel as safe as I had yesterday when he’d carried me to the ambulance to keep from further damaging my feet.