Page 1 of Twisted Devil



The scent of coffee grounds permeated the air, and just the thought of caffeine had my body tingling with anticipation. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the only person who needed the shot of adrenaline this morning, and a line of people filled the small shop ahead of me.

I glanced at my phone and let out a little sigh. Goddamn. It was only a little after eleven o’clock, but I felt like I’d been up forever already. Although, with several active cases, I wasn’t getting a whole lot of sleep these days, anyway. I needed all the help I could get staying awake, hence my trip to the coffee shop. Though I’d had a cup first thing this morning after working out, I needed the jolt of energy.

I didn’t make it to this side of town very often, but we were wrapping up a case a couple of blocks over and the Starbucks across the street had been closed so they could fix a broken pipe. A quick Google search had listed this place, and it was better than nothing.

I mentally went over my list of things to do today, responding to emails as the line in front of me dwindled. Finally, I stepped up to the counter, ready to order. But the sight that greeted me halted me in my tracks.

A pair of eyes the color of the sky on a cloudless day peered up at me. Framed by sensually long lashes, I felt my words dry up on my tongue as I tumbled headlong into them. They were the brightest blue I’d ever encountered, filled with a sparkling intelligence, and I felt myself drowning in the depths.

“What can I get for you?”

Embarrassment of being caught staring at her washed over me, and my shoulders tightened at the sensation. Christ. What the hell was wrong with me? I cleared my throat. “Just a large coffee, please. Black, no sugar.”

“Sure.” She tapped the screen a couple of times, then smiled up at me, revealing a row of bright white teeth. The way it lit up her face, making those cerulean eyes glow, was like a punch to the solar plexus. “That’ll be $4.27, please.”

I handed over my credit card, studying her efficient movements as she swiped it through the machine, then handed it back to me. While she waited for my receipt to print, she poured my coffee into a travel cup. “Haven’t seen you here before.”

“Uh… No.” Her statement caught me off guard. “This is my first time.”

She smiled and passed me the cup. “I thought so. We’re kind of off the beaten path, so we get mostly regulars.”

A smattering of freckles, so light I’d missed them before, covered the bridge of her nose and the tops of her cheeks. Her blonde hair was pulled back, highlighting her heart-shaped face and full, sensuous lips. They looked soft and sweet, and I wondered how they’d taste beneath my own.

Would it be too forward to ask her out? Probably. She was a little on the young side, maybe in her early twenties or so, but I wasn’t quite thirty yet.

Jesus. I was already trying to justify asking her out, and I’d only just met her. I couldn’t explain exactly why, but I felt a draw to her. She was beautiful, and she caught my attention in a way no other woman ever had. I wanted to see her again—wanted to see if this feeling still existed, that it wasn’t some one-time occurrence that would fizzle out as quickly as it’d come.

I was acutely aware of the line of people behind me as she printed off the receipt and handed it to me. “Maybe I’ll stop by tomorrow.” I almost cringed at the desperate quality my voice held. Fucking smooth, Jason. Seriously. “You know, if I’m still in the area.”

Those big blue eyes stared up at me. “Then maybe I’ll see you tomorrow, stranger.”

“Jason.” I held her gaze, unable to make myself leave just yet.

A bashful smile curled her lips, and her cheeks flared light pink. There was no maybe about it. I knew I would be back tomorrow.



The pungent scent of used coffee grounds rose into the air as I cleaned the machine and got ready to close up for the night. Behind me, Sara helped the final customer cash out, then locked up behind him.

She joined me along the back bar with a little groan. “God, I feel like this was the longest day ever.”

I offered a little smile. “I know. My feet are killing me.” I shifted on the anti-fatigue mats that lined the floor behind the bar. “I'm just ready to go home and crawl into bed.”

“Me too. Are you ready for finals?”

I rolled my eyes as I wiped down the machine. “Hardly. Whitaker is brutal.”

“I know, right?” Sara commiserated. “I’m so over it already. I can’t wait to be done.”

Thank God, I only had a couple more weeks before I was free. Sara and I were in the same microbiology class, and the stodgy old professor was a giant pain in the ass. “I'll be so glad when this is over.”

“Have you found an internship yet?”