Page 68 of Smooth Talk

“We argued last night when he came home from work; he said he couldn’t go to dinner at my parents. That it was best if he just left, and when I woke up this morning he was gone. His clothes, toiletries, car, everything— all he left was that note,’ she says pointing at the paper still lying on the desk where I’d left it. ‘I drove over to Cann’s and told him everything. He said we needed to tell you immediately, and probably Jake too, and maybe the FBI. I’m so scared, G, I think I’m in real trouble. So, while Cann was getting dressed, I borrowed his car. I knew he had one of those remote gate opener things, and I wouldn’t have to go through security. I left my car there, so I’m sure he’ll be here soon. He’s on your list, right?” She pauses but doesn’t wait for an answer before continuing. “I just wanted a minute alone with you to apologize and explain, and maybe if I tell you, this won’t have to go any further.”

“I’m sorry he left you Pres. No one deserves to be treated that way. But how does this involve me?” I’m slow on the uptake. Jamie’s an asshole, obviously. But, is he the asshole? The thief! He looked me in the eye an assured me the perpetrators would be caught, and my money was insured and safe in their bank. That they’d ratcheted up security measures and filed reports with local law enforcement and the FBI. Rat bastard.

“Jamie’s the one who stole from you. He stole from everyone. Oh God, my life is over!” She’s sobbing again, that’s when I realize that Cannon is here. Beside his sister, rubbing her back. He must have let himself in; I didn’t hear him knock.

“Well look on the bright side sis, I finally had the talk with mom and dad this morning.” She looks up at him surprised. “Yep, it actually went better than expected; they didn’t even stop tea. Actually, mom told me they already knew and was glad I’d been so discreet over the years, then she asked Becks to pass the sugar. He came with for moral support, just in case, and I thought it was time they met my boyfriend.”

“Aww, your boyfriend. Cann, I’m so happy for you. How’d dad take it?”

“He said he thinks it’ll be good for his campaign, you know, improve his likability now that LGBT people are en vogue.’ He rolls his eyes. ‘Jesus, sometimes they are so… so; I can’t even think of words. But I mean, really, I don’t know why I thought they didn’t already know.”

“Probably because they used to say, ‘it’s just a phase,’ to anyone that questioned their son’s sexuality. Including their own son. I’m glad you finally talked to them though. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks. I was so nervous. But really, it was time. After that, conversation was slightly stilted. But, what’s new? And after they hear your news,” he pauses waiting for her to look back up at him. “I’ll finally not be the child that’s the utter disappointment.”

She bursts out laughing, “brat!” They both laugh, almost hysterically. I’m having a hard time finding the humor in the situation, my mind is reeling. What in the actual fuck? While they have their little heart to heart, I send out a text to O, dad and Jake: I know who’s behind the theft, and he’s on the run. My house ASAP.

I get an immediate response from Dad and O; they’re coming over, as is Buddy. Jake’s not answering; he’s probably at the cabin. I’ll have to try his land line. Looks like I’m not going anywhere any time soon. I need to shoot Poppy a text too. Well, I intended to until Presley slapped the phone out of my hand. It shatters against the wall. Actually, freaking shatters. “What the fuck, Pres?” I growl at her.

“No one knows yet; you can’t tell anyone. I haven’t even talked to daddy yet or my lawyer.”

“Well you better hurry up and tell them. My dad and Oliver are on their way, and as soon as Jake gets my message, he’ll want to get the whole story from you too.” I’m huffing out a pissed off breath, eyeing the shiny shards in the corner, “Jeez, you didn’t have to smash it into a thousand fucking pieces.”

“It’s not like you can’t afford a new one.” She says, then I watch her throat work as she swallows. “You texted Jake? Oh my God, are you going to have me arrested?” She’s hysterical again. Cannon rubs a hand down her back.

“Pres, Jake’s not going to arrest you,” he looks to me for confirmation. I nod, rolling my eyes. I’m pissed, but not necessarily at Presley’s naiveté, she’s going to have a hard-enough road as it is. I think about Poppy and what an amazing job she does with Harp, but how difficult it must be for her sometimes. Raising a child without a partner is probably going to be the toughest job Presley will ever have. I think she’d be good at it if she’d stop shopping and partying so much. I’m assuming she’s already stopped the latter, seeing as she’s pregnant. I have a feeling she’s going to have a massive shift in priorities real soon. Kids have a way of doing that for you.

My thoughts shift to Harper, and I can’t help but smile. We have so much fun together. She’s so sweet and funny and smart. She makes me want to be a better man, make her proud of me. I love that kid to pieces. And I may not be doing it right now, but I have been doing one heck of a job censoring myself around her. The only time I really have trouble is when I’m pissed or excited. I can’t seem to stop myself from whispering dirty words in my woman’s ear, not that Harp can hear. I’m not some sick perv, but man, my mind is perpetually in the gutter around Poppy. She’s just so damn sexy.

Jesus! I have a serious problem. I literally cannot stop thinking about her. Here I am, finally getting somewhere on a dilemma that’s plagued me for months, and I can’t stop thinking about Poppy’s… assets.


Presley. Jamie. Asshole.

“Calm down Pres, I’m not going to have you arrested. It’s not like you helped him. You just trusted the wrong person; it happens. You didn’t know what he was doing, and as soon as you did, you told us. Jake’s been working the case in conjunction with the FBI; I want him here. He needs all the facts if he’s going to track Jamie down. He hurt a lot of innocent people. And that letter makes it sound like, he was afraid of something. Like maybe he didn’t do what he did for self-gain but was pressured by someone.

“And I hate to say it Pres, but it also sounds like he targeted you. He obviously needed the money for something. Do you think he could’ve orchestrated the ‘meeting’ at the clubhouse?” I watch her face crumple. Shit. “He obviously fell for you along the way, but he had to have known it couldn’t last. He made a choice; one you both have to live with now. I’m sorry Pres. I know this isn’t easy, but did he take any money from you outside of the bank heist?”

She shakes her head. “My account wasn’t even breeched like everyone else’s at the bank.’ Well, that’s odd; the Lawrences have almost as much money as we do. Why wouldn’t he touch her account? It’s not like she wouldn’t get it back; everyone did. ‘All the money I gave to him to invest, I got back. And I got back way more than I gave him. Oh my gosh! Do you think he involved me in something illegal?”

“Maybe. I wouldn’t put anything past him at this point. It’ll have to be investigated. And you’re going to have to tell everyone the story again when they get here. You might want to invite your lawyer and Nick to this little soiree. Get everything out in the open in one fell swoop. Your dad’s less likely to fly off the handle in front of an audience. And make sure you don’t leave anything out, everything isn’t adding up, and I have a feeling we’re missing parts of the puzzle here.” She nods her head and taps her phone. I look at Cannon. “Can you call Poppy please? My phone is fucked, and I promised her, I’d call.”

Cann looks at me apologetically, “I don’t have Poppy’s number, I can try Bev.”

Fuck. “She doesn’t have it either, just her work line.” And of course, I don’t have it memorized. I realize out of all the people that will be at my house tonight, I’m the only damn one that has her number. And now, I don’t even have it. It’s Sunday afternoon, all the fucking stores close early; if I can’t get ahold of Bev in the next hour, I won’t be able to replace my phone until tomorrow. I ask Cannon to text her and my mom (she has Pop’s number), but neither respond. Bev, because she usually doesn’t even answer for me on Sundays (the woman earns her days off), and Mom because she’s at a spa retreat (no signal— apparently, it’s more relaxing that way). If we finish here early enough, I’ll swing by Poppy’s and explain the situation in person. I don’t want her worrying. Or running. My heart can’t take that again.

It takes two hours for everyone to get to the house. And even longer for Presley to come out with the full story. Shockingly, everyone has questions.

Jamie was smart. He didn’t trust anyone except Pres. He’d left an encrypted drive in her safety deposit box, which Buddy was thrilled to have access to, Jake not so much. Against his better judgement, he allowed it after realizing no one at the department is a hacker and the FBI agent assigned to the case, who was no longer in the area and wouldn’t be until Wednesday, said it wasn’t a priority. We want answers now.

Remember those pieces of the puzzle we were missing; I’ll bet money they’re on that drive. Buddy wasn’t having much luck decrypting it yet, but he’s tracing Jamie’s history now. Jake’s turning a blind eye.

After Pres gave us his real name, the blanks were easier to fill in. James Aaron Blalock didn’t exist two years ago, however Jason Blane Lockhart did. Born and raised in Philly by a single mom, he got a scholarship to Penn where he graduated with honors before moving to Chicago and entered into the investment banking industry. He worked for several firms there, earning a name for himself, before moving to New York with an impressive resume and an even more impressive list of clients. He spent a couple years there before completely dropping off the map and popping back up in Willow Creek. Buddy promised to dig a little more while Presley gave details, she’d conveniently omitted in her earlier confession to me.

But what I still don’t get is, why did Jamie confess to Presley? He’d already gotten away with it. What happened two days ago? Who was he working with? Why didn’t he take more? He could’ve taken way more, hell, all of our money before he left. Jamie could’ve wiped us all out and hopped on a jet, bought a private island and adiosed the fuck out without a word to anyone. Why didn’t he? Shit, did he?

I pull up the bank website on my laptop and wait for it to load. Holy shit! My personal account is lacking some serious funds. A transaction went through at 2am this morning.