“Yeah. Eden lives in Brownsville.”
“Christ,” my friend mutters. “Damiano just fucking declared war on Miguel’s gang. Didn’t you hear a thing he said at the meeting?”
“I’m well aware of what’s happening in Brownsville, hense me asking Frankie to watch out for Eden.”
“Why not just get her out of there?” he asks.
“Eden has one hell of an independent and defensive streak. If I push her, I’ll lose her.”
“Kidnap her.”
“My kidnapping quota has been filled when I stole Bella earlier this week.”
“Who the fuck is Bella?”
A grin spreads over my face as I dig my phone out of my pocket. “Come sit here so I can show you the photos.”
When Franco takes a seat at my side, I open the gallery on my phone and scroll through photo after photo of Bella.
“A dog,” Franco mutters. “You stole a dog?”
“Not just any dog. Isn’t she the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen?”
“It’s a dog, Dario.”
I shoot my friend a glare. “She’s not just any dog! She’s my baby.”
A photo of Bella sleeping in bed with me pops up, and I grin again. “Look how cute this one is. I could just eat her up.”
Franco lets out a chuckle, and shaking his head, he reaches for Augusto. “Let me put him in bed.”
“I’m going to hit the road,” I say while climbing to my feet.
“Thanks for stopping by.”
I let myself out of the house, and once I’m behind the steering wheel of my SUV, my thoughts turn to Eden.
I learned a lot about her today. Even though she’s a fighter, she also craves love. The way she looked at me when I kissed her told me as much.
Fuck. I loved kissing her.
Thinking about her dire circumstances, has my jaw clenching and my fists tightening around the steering wheel.
With a snap of my fingers, I can change her entire life, but I know she’ll fight me on it. Eden doesn’t come across as the type of person who’ll willingly accept handouts.
Inspecting my feelings, I think it’s safe to say I care about her. She’s got a hold on me I can’t shake.
At the rate things are progressing between us, it’s only a matter of time before I fall completely in love with her.
After I park the SUV in the basement, I take the elevator up to my apartment. When the doors slide open, Bella lets out a bark, and a second later, she comes running toward me with her entire backside wiggling from excitement.
I scoop her up and let her lick my jaw as I say, “Did you miss Daddy?”
Esmerelda gets up from where she’s watching TV, and I smile at her. “Thanks for babysitting.”
She comes to rub Bella’s head. “She was so good. She nudged me with her nose every time she needed to go out.”