Page 43 of Drawn To Darkness

“There was something else,” Tyrone muses.

My eyes snap to his face. “What?”

“That motherfucker Frankie. Was it my imagination, or did he give us a chin lift on the drive-by?”

“I didn’t see. I was too busy glaring at you for mouthing off at them. You need to stop doing that,” I chastise him.

Tyrone grumbles something I can’t make out, then gets up from the armchair. “You want some coffee or tea?”

“No, I just had coffee. Thanks, though.” I get up as well. “I’m gonna go to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Tyrone starts to make a cup of tea for himself and glances at me. “Sweet dreams, baby girl.”

“You too.” I let myself out of his apartment and head back to my place.

Locking the front door behind me, I turn off the lights in the living room and walk to my bedroom to change into my warm PJs, which consist of my oldest sweatpants and a sweater.

I go to the bathroom and quickly wash my face before I fight the toothpaste tube for the last bit. I end up cutting the thing open and grin when I see there’s enough for tomorrow morning.

I brush my teeth, and after I’m done, I dig my cell phone out of my coat’s pocket and plug it in on my bedside table so it can charge overnight.

I switch off the rest of the lights and crawl beneath the blankets on my bed, snuggling into my pillow.

My thoughts are instantly consumed by Dario.

Today’s date might have started rocky, but it ended up going much better than I expected.

Dario handled the news of where I live and seeing my apartment so well. I don’t feel like he was judging me at all.

Can things really work out between us?

My heart beats faster at the thought of dating Dario. I mean, he’s one hell of a catch.

Why me, though? Out of all the women he interacts with on a daily basis, why did he even spare me a second glance?

He could’ve picked any of the gorgeous ballerinas. Or whoever sings at the opera house he owns. Or one of the rich women in his social circle.

I was the one who was on a date with him today, though.

He kissed me.

If he were just in it for a quick fuck, I wouldn’t have seen him today.

That means he’s seriously interested in me.

A happy grin spreads over my mouth, and I giggle like a freaking schoolgirl.

Dario La Rosa likes me.

A banging on my front door rips me out of my thoughts, and letting out a sigh, I throw the covers back and climb out of bed.

I switch on the light, and while the banging increases until I’m sure the noise will wake all my neighbors, I shove my feet into my sneakers.

Leaving my bedroom, I rush to the front door and unlock it before yanking it open.

Mandy tries to stagger inside, but I shove her backward.

“No! Get out of here,” I bark.