Page 31 of Drawn To Darkness

I shake my head, and glancing up and down the street, I quickly cross to the other side before I take the steps down to the subway.

Even though it’s two-thirty in the morning, there are still people around. Everyone looks tired, and it makes the atmosphere somber.

It takes another forty-five minutes before I reach my apartment, and knowing the window by the fire escape is nailed shut, I have no choice but to wake up Tyrone.

I head into the building, and as I take the stairs up, I dial Tyrone’s number.

His tone is groggy with sleep as he answers, “What happened? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. My bag was stolen, and I can’t get into my apartment. Can I crash on your couch?”

“Of course.”

Just as I reach the third floor, Tyrone’s front door opens, and I walk inside. I wait for him to lock behind us before I move closer and plant my head against his chest while wrapping my arms around him.

“I need a hug,” I mutter as tears threaten to overwhelm me.

I’m so tired.

Tyrone rubs a comforting hand up and down my back for a while before he says, “Get some sleep, baby girl. When the hardware store opens, I’ll get a new lock for your door and change it.”

Pulling away, I force a smile to my face. “Thanks, Tyrone. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

A fatherly smile curves his lips up. “Luckily for you, you’ll never have to find out. I plan on sticking around for a long time.”

“You better.”

I walk to the couch and kick off my sneakers before lying down. A few seconds later, Tyrone places two blankets over me.

He presses a kiss to the side of my head, then murmurs, “Get some sleep.”

When he walks back to his bedroom, I say, “Tyrone.”


“I love you.”

“Love you too, baby girl.”

When I see Yukhaejang, the restaurant where I’m meeting Dario, I stop walking.

I glance up and down the street for the R8 I’ve seen him drive, but the car isn’t parked anywhere.

Pulling my phone out, I check the time. It’s almost six, but there’s no way I’m going into the restaurant only to be stood up.

I wait a few minutes, and when six comes and goes and there’s no sign of Dario’s car, a weird feeling sinks into my stomach.

I walk closer to the restaurant, and just to be sure he’s not here, I glance through the window.

When I don’t see Dario, I realize how much I was looking forward to the date.

Ugh. I even put on a skirt and stockings for the man. The heels on my feet are uncomfortable, and it makes me feel angry that I went through all this trouble to look pretty for the date.

Turning around, I walk back in the direction of the subway while sending him a text.

Eden: You could’ve saved me the trouble and just canceled instead of standing me up.

I’m surprised when I see him read the message immediately, and I stop walking.