Page 105 of Drawn To Darkness

He keeps fucking me through his orgasm, and each thrust intensifies the pleasure still seizing my body.

Dario’s mouth finds mine again, and as his movements slow to a leisurely pace, he kisses me the way he did on our first date.

It feels as if he’s worshiping me, and my heart surrenders completely to him.

I let go of the old and embrace this new life that’s been given to me.

His arm slips around me, and I’m moved further up the bed before he lies down on top of me, his mouth never leaving mine.

His cock pushes back inside me before he keeps still, showing me how much he loves me with his tongue and teeth.

I’m so caught up in my man, I have no idea how much time passes. At some point, Dario begins moving again, this time keeping the pace slow and deep as he fills me with his cock.

There’s a buzz of pleasure that keeps growing in intensity, and it feels like I’m just orgasming and orgasming.

It’s heaven, and I don’t want this moment between us to end.

Dario frees my swollen lips, and locking eyes with me, he whispers, “I love you so fucking much.”

I wrap my arms and legs around him, and cling to him as he finds his release for a second time deep inside me.

While he shudders through his orgasm, I say, “I love you just as much, baby.”

When we’re completely satisfied and tired, he doesn’t move off me, but just keeps staring at me.

Lifting my hand to his hair, I brush my fingers through the light brown strands and ask, “What are you thinking about?”

“That I could stay in this position all night.”

“We don’t have to get up.” My lips curve up. “I love feeling you inside me.”

“Good,” he murmurs before feathering kisses along my jaw. “Adoro il modo in cui si sente la tua figa attorno al mio cazzo.”

Brushing my hands up and down his broad back, I ask, “What does it mean?”

“I love the way your pussy feels around my cock.”

Remembering he said those words before, I grin up at him.

Hearing Bella scratch by the door, Dario presses another kiss to my mouth before he climbs off me.

I scoot off the bed, and as I walk to the bathroom, he opens the door slightly so Bella can squeeze through the gap, then shuts it again.

In the mood for a relaxing hot bath, I open the faucets to let water in before I quickly clean between my legs.

“Whatever happened to you getting condoms?” I call out so he’ll hear me in the bedroom.

“I think they’re in the bedside drawer,” he mutters as he comes butt-naked into the bathroom.

I haven’t had much of a chance to look at his body, and I let my eyes slowly drift over every inch of him.

Bella makes herself comfortable on the bathroom mat, happy to be near us.

“You’re hot,” I mention, my gaze still feasting on him.

“Glad you like what you see, Tesoro.”

When there’s enough water in the tub that’s probably as big as the bathroom in my apartment, I get in.