We quickly exchange numbers, and I send him my address.
He hesitates for a moment, then says, “Thanks for watching over us. You’re good people, Dario.”
I give him a chin lift, then watch as my future father-in-law walks down the hallway.
Chapter 29
I hear Dario’s voice as he calls Esmerelda to let her know about Tyrone so she can get a room ready for him.
I didn’t even argue when Dario said we’d be staying with him.
I’m still trying to find the answer when he comes back into the room.
Snuggled beneath the covers, I watch as he sits down on the armchair and removes his boots. Standing up, he pulls the two guns from behind his back. I’d forgotten they were tucked into his waistband.
He places them on the bedside table, and leaning over me, he presses a kiss to my temple, while whispering, “Move up, Tesoro.”
I scoot back and lift the covers so he can climb beneath them. When he lies down, he wraps an arm around me and positions my body half over his.
Melting into the feel of his warmth, I let out a sigh.
This is why I didn’t argue about staying with him.
I feel safe and loved.
He keeps giving me gentle hugs and pressing kisses against my hair.
“Want to talk?” he whispers.
“Yeah.” I rub my good cheek against his chest. “It’s hard to believe you’re in the mafia. Is the ballet company a front for something?”
“No.” I feel his warm breaths stir my hair as he adds, “I’m still the man who loves art, opera, and ballet.” He pauses for a moment, then admits, “But I’m also a man who’s killed. And I will kill again.”
The memory of me slamming the heel of my shoe into that man’s eye flashes through my mind.
“I’ve killed too,” I whisper. “I have no idea what came over me. One second, I was fearing for my life, and the next, I was attacking them.”
“And you managed to escape,” he murmurs. “You’re more badass than me.”
“You know about my escape attempt?”
“Yes. I got the footage from a CCTV camera in the area. That’s how we were able to figure out where you were.”
A smile begins to curve my lips, but I stop when it tugs on the cut.
“At least my escape attempt paid off.”
Remembering what happened afterward, I hold Dario tighter and bury my face in the crook of his neck.
“What’s wrong?” Dario asks, concern lacing his words.
I suck in a deep breath of his scent, then say, “There was a woman with me. Milania. She died.”