Page 60 of Drawn To Darkness

Never Let Me Go by Florence & The Machines begins to fill the air. I turn my face and press a kiss to her palm, and a second later, she’s twirling away from me.

As I watch my woman dance for me, the stress caused by the shitshow a couple of hours ago rolls off my shoulders. My muscles relax, and I get lost in the sparkle of the diamante and the passion she exudes as her body moves across the floor.

As the song comes to an end, I get up and walk to where her phone is lying. I disconnect her device, before connecting my own. Searching for the right song, I press play before I walk to where Eden is standing.

I wrap my arm around her as You’re Still You by Josh Groban begins to play. Slowly, I guide her over the floor, hoping she’s listening to the words.

Her eyes begin to shimmer with unshed tears, and she wraps her arms around my neck, holding me as tight as she can. I keep moving to the beat of the music as I savor the feel of her body against mine.

When the song reaches its climax, I lower my head and kiss her with every ounce of emotion she stirs in my heart.

This woman danced her way right into my heart.

Right now, it feels like I’ve found the one who was always meant for me.

My other half.

At some point we stop dancing, just enjoying the kiss.

When I finally lift my head, a soft smile curves her swollen lips.


I give her a questioning look. “Okay?”

“You never asked, but okay, I’ll be your girlfriend.”

Laughter bursts from me, and I squash her against my chest.

I press a kiss to the top of her head, then say, “As your boss, I’m giving you the rest of the night off.”

She pulls back and shakes her head. “No. Let me do my job. It’s important to me.”

“Then I’ll help so I can spend more time with you.”

She starts to chuckle. “You’re going to help me clean?”


“Okay.” She pulls out of my arms and walks to the door. “I’m just going to change.”

I follow her to the dressing rooms at the back of the stage and watch as she changes back into her clothes.

After she puts on the apron, she picks up the cap and plops it down on top of my head while saying, “Come on. We have a lot to do.”

I follow her to where she left her cart and mutter, “Put me to work.”

“Oh, you’re going to regret saying that,” she teases. She pushes the cart to the auditorium, then orders, “You can vacuum while I polish the stage.”


Eden shows me how the vacuum cleaner works, and when she’s happy with how I do it, she heads up to the stage.

We keep stealing glances at each other, and when we’re finally done, I get rewarded with a kiss.

Chapter 20
