“Fuck!” he said again and transformed, but as he transformed, he pushed me down on the moving ground. A huge, soft wing laid under me, and then he shielded me with the other, his huge dragon body looming over me as the ceiling came down.
I could barely breathe; the air was hot, and the noise around me was deafening. It sounded like a hurricane was right outside; the rubble still got into my area, dust covered me, almost asphyxiating me. I put my hand over my eyes and another over my head.
Then I felt like I was vibrating out of place with the shaking, and before I knew it, I was falling into the sand beneath Caspian’s wing.
I couldn’t cry out for help; I couldn’t cry out at all. Before I knew it, there was sand and rubble falling everywhere around me, burying me.
I felt like I was being crushed by intense pressure all around me even though the rumbling had stopped.
I couldn’t breathe, but I couldn’t move, couldn’t scratch free for air. There was no surface to go to. In fact, I wasn’t even sure what direction the ‘surface’ was.
And then, all of the sudden, the rubble around me stopped crushing me, was gone completely, and I was lying on the ground, trying to breathe.
Murtagh and Caspian shouted my name, I think. There was sand in my eyes, and my blood sounded like it was rushing through my ears in a strong current, but I felt their arms around me as I tried to cough up dirt so I could take a breath.
I did, and every time I coughed and hacked up what could only be called mud for several minutes, I could breathe more.
“What are you doing?” Caspian asked above my head.
“Getting her a clean cloth, asshole,” was the firm reply. He came behind me, bare chested, and used his torn-off t-shirt to clean all the dust off my face, helping me clean my mouth and nose so that I could breath, and my eyes so I could try opening them.
“Is that better, baby?” Murtagh asked me, probably around the same time he could see my face.
I looked up at him, my eyes burning. He just looked like a blob of color.
“Thanks,” I rasped. I felt like I had just ingested enough dirt to farm potatoes in my stomach.
Caspian shook out his blond hair and a plume of dust went into the air. “I hope that bracelet was worth it!” he growled at me, not at all pleased.
“How was I supposed to know that it had a cave-of-wonders set up?” I asked, harkening back to Aladdin where, admittedly, I might have just pulled an Abu.
I looked up at them, realized that they hadn’t seen any kids’ movies ever, so I explained patiently, “I didn’t know!”
“That’s why we don’t touch! We don’t touch things if we don’t need to touch things! I almost got skewered by a spear not an hour ago because I accidentally touched something I wasn’t supposed to touch!” Caspian immediately cried, infuriated apparently with my faux pas. “You’re smarter than that! What were you thinking?”
“Hey! This bracelet was destined for me!” I said, showing him my wrist where, yes, I had put it on. And I had no plans of taking it off, either. It felt amazing. I swear its sapphires went right to my pussy. Maybe ‘destined’ was too strong; but the sapphires, I felt, had a definite ‘come hither’ look to them.
Neither Murtagh nor Caspian looked very impressed with the bracelet, or with me. Murtagh put his jacket on over his shoulders, his torso exposed to the cold air in the room.
I deflated a little. “Did you get it?” I asked Murtagh, feeling a little silly now.
Murtagh sighed and went back to his leather jacket, picked it up, and put it on his body before pulling something the size of a baseball out of the pocket.
My eyes blinked, since the shape before me looked kinda diamond-like, but it couldn’t be. Because there was no way that diamond was that large. But it was.
It was the largest fucking diamond I had ever seen.
It was gorgeous; glorious. I wanted to swaddle it and put it to sleep in a crib by my bed.
“Can I touch it?” I asked hungrily, sticking out my hand.
“No,” he replied firmly, putting it back in his jacket pocket. Not easily, either. It barely fit in there, he had to turn it several times. His tone was very ‘You’ve been a bad girl, and now no cookies for you.’
And I did feel a little bad. Honestly, I could see where I could have been blamed for the whole treasure chamber falling down. I was the one that lost the game of treasure-hunting Jenga, as it were. But still, it wasn’t like there was a sign saying, Don’t touch! Actually, there probably was, but in an ancient script that only four scholars in the world could read, me not being one of them.
Yet, in my defense, we went into that treasure room to grab something, so I had felt like grabbing things was an okay thing to do.
“Are you alright? Uninjured?” Caspian asked very crisply, like he hoped I was a little bit injured.