“Ours,” Murtagh growled.
Oh, shit.
I watched Zazie sit awkwardly, bewildered and pink with embarrassment, trying to adjust herself and her panties as she tried to get comfortable in the back of Caspian’s limo. She had all the grace of a shaved cat as she moved her body around and pulled her panties back up over her hips.
She was looking around the car, seeming as unimpressed and displeased with it as I was. I had no idea why Caspian had to have cars like this, or mansions, or those kinds of comforts. I’d like to say that it made him soft, but between us, he was the harder man. He had spent too much time around billionaires, and I’m afraid it had started to infiltrate his brain.
I was so busy looking at him askance—the overdone hair, the expensive suit—that I didn’t realize that Zazie was giving me a look that could have smelt iron.
“I didn’t realize you were a psychopath,” she hissed, looking directly in my direction. In the next look, she eyed Caspian. “I knew he was, but you? YOU? This was… This was…”
“A hard, well-deserved spanking?” I prompted, blinking languidly at her. I didn’t have to worry so much about her being upset—I knew I hadn’t stolen millions of dollars worth of product lately, and I certainly wasn’t the one that had fallen off the face of the earth four years ago. A hundred years ago, they would have hung someone who’d have stolen that large of a payload. We were demanding much, much less.
“There’s no such thing, asshole!” she snapped. “There’re no deserved spankings. There’s just dickholes and women who can’t fight back. End of story. Let me out of the car.”
“Very tough words for a girl who orgasmed that hard in the duration,” Caspian mentioned slyly, seeming far from giving any orders to Miles, who was probably eavesdropping from the driver’s seat, to stop the car.
She jerked up her hand to reveal her middle finger. Then she looked over at me. “Stop the car, Murtagh.”
“I’m not stopping the car, little thief. Getting away is not on the menu for you,” I told her firmly, annoyed at her gall. A spanking with an orgasm did not make a thorough punishment for her list of offenses. “Get used to it.”
“What do you mean I can’t get away? Where the fuck are you taking me? Some basement somewhere? You gonna put me in a leather suit or something? Is this like the scene in Pulp Fiction where you’ve got a guy who lives in a box and you’re gonna?—”
Caspian stopped her there, raising his hand. “No.”
I crossed one leg over another as she resettled her gaze on me. “Well? What’s your plan?”
“I think you’re far more worried than you need to be. Where we should be bringing you is the police office for stealing immeasurably significant artifacts,” Caspian answered from her other side smoothly. “But we plan to be much more lenient, little mouse, because we plan to keep you. In the best sense! Because as ours, you will be coddled and given everything you want, everything you need, and every pleasure you can imagine.”
She seemed to settle down at his words, her eyes glancing askew at the driver. “Can you drive us to the mental hospital, guy?” she asked Miles.
“That wouldn’t help,” Miles replied immediately. “Trust me.”
I smirked and looked her over.
God, had I missed her. How had I not asked for help finding her? It had been so easy for Miles and Caspian, I feel like I had missed the last four years. If I’d just done that right away, she’d probably have had several babies by now. We’d be together, and this realm wouldn’t feel like a poorly fitted suit. Just having her near me again was making me feel better.
Besides, now that the witch gave me a to-do list to get back to my own Realm, I could approach life so differently.
Now, I had to woo Zazie again. It had been easy the first time, but now she seemed to have a wall around her. I began to pull her over to me until she was settled on my lap. It wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped; it was like trying to soothe a wild animal. Eventually, she seemed to realize that I was much stronger than her, she was not going to overpower me in this dimension, and she settled unhappily.
I rubbed her arms back and forth soothingly as if trying to give her heat. “Get to know us, Zazie. I promise that you won’t regret it. We’re the only people on the planet that understand you.”
She raised an eyebrow at this. “Oh, you are, are you?” Her tongue was dripping with disdain, but her nearness, her heat, was just making me harder.
I rubbed the back of her small neck with my large hand. “We know how it feels to see a jewel and want it in your very bones. How incomplete life is once you see something that you feel should be in your bloodstream. You don’t want to have to give those things up. You want them close to you. You want them to cleanse you.”
Her eyes rolled very slowly in my direction when I said this, and I could tell (with no small measure of relief) that I had finally struck a chord.
“You know what I like to do?” Caspian added, coming closer to us and speaking in softer tones like I was, piggybacking immediately onto my words, seeing how they fell. “I like to bathe in diamonds. Small ones. I just slide right into them and let them surround me.” He took a deep breath. “There’s nothing like it.”
She looked at Caspian then, stunned.
“He’s not lying,” Miles offered from the front seat. I had almost entirely forgotten that he was there because I was so heady with Zazie’s smell and the way she was sitting on my hard cock with only a pair of panties on. “It’s …interesting.”