Page 113 of Shared

Wendy the Witch?


I got up, trying to kick Caspian’s huge body awake. “Caspian!” There was no reaction.

I marched up to his face, grabbing and pulling his nose and ears, trying to open his eyelids.

There was no reaction whatsoever. Just a deep snore.

“Murtagh!” I slid down Caspian’s body, paced across the floor towards Murtagh. I hammered my fists on him. “MURTAGH!”


“Fuck!” I pulled out my cellphone again and called Miles.


And so I called the number.

“Well, hello.” I didn’t know what I expected. Okay, I expected a voice like the shadow-man’s. Deep and raspy and creepy.

Imagine my surprise when a perfectly normal, deep, intelligent voice was on the other line.

“You wanted my attention?” I snapped.

“I want more than your attention, actually,” he admitted.

“You hurt my brother, I will stab myself in the neck and you will not get to chow-down on me. You’d have to start again,” I threatened, and I was proud of myself for getting words out at all, because my heart was beating fast.

“The witch and I have an accord. I have not hurt him. Yet. I asked her to let me in with utmost politeness… For now.” He tsked his tongue against his teeth. “Not doing so well, this one.”

“You need to get the fuck away from him. I’m not even playing,” I growled.

“He has nothing I want, except a connection with you. Be a dear and come out of hiding? I’m getting very tired of waiting.”

“Aw, poor baby.” I definitely wanted to throw up. I felt like I was in the middle of a panic attack, yet keeping it cool.

He chuckled like he thought I was just being funny. “How about you and I make a deal? I give you one hour to come to the address I send you, and you get here. If not, I’m going to walk back into the witch’s home, and I’m going to start cutting off pieces of your brother, starting with the toes. I don’t want to have to do that. His mother was such a devoted follower…”

“Good deal,” I growled. What else was I going to say? “Show me where and we’ll dance, Dad.”

More laughter. Hearty, deep, mirthful.

I wanted him to drop dead so much.

“I can’t wait to meet you. Your mother was intelligent, courageous, and savvy. It’s a shame that she didn’t make it out of your ceremony. That fire was ill-timed. It took me months to realize that you weren’t in the fire. And you are my prodigy. Your bloodline is immaculate; you’re barely human. Ten percent!” He actually sounded proud at his disgusting inbreeding program. I felt gross, and in a way that I wished I could pull the skin off my body and wash it inside-out.

“And now you’re gonna eat me?”

“It won’t take long!” he assured me, like the prospect of him eating me alive and toes-first was the image that I had in my head. “I’ll be finished in seconds, and then you’ll be with me always, inside of me, in my blood, helping me conquer this world. Imagine it—I’ll make this world a paradise, and you’ll be there inside of me to experience it. I would not give you death, but rebirth.”

I curled my lip. To be eaten but still alive was a nightmare I hadn’t imagined yet, and I was hoping that my mind wouldn’t, even for a moment, meditate on what that would be like. “A paradise, huh? Just like you made Daconia a paradise?” I prompted.

He snorted. “Daconia is poisoned by dragons and treachery. Humans are easier, mendable, manageable. We would be gods to them. Power goes a long way in this realm. You will see. In one hour. That is, if you want to continue being a sister to someone.”

My intestines felt like they were twisting with the pure rage birthing within. “If you touch him, then I will set this world on fucking fire,” I spat into the receiver, my hand clutching the cellphone in a death-grip.

“Oooh. Touchy,” he tsked lightly. “You have quite the menagerie of friends, as well. If you don’t make it, neither will they. That would be a shame. They’d be so useful in the new world order. And the witch makes delicious cookies.”