I smirked and shook my head. “You can even call your brother if that’ll help you sleep.”
“But we’re in a plane.”
“Yes, but we’re in a good plane,” I reminded her, tapping her on her nose playfully.
She smiled at me, seeming to like the affection. She bit her lip for a second and then rolled her eyes and said, “You’re just hoping to get lucky.”
“I don’t think luck has anything to do with it,” I admitted. “I have a lot to offer, and eventually you’ll notice.”
Murtagh snorted, so I stood up and showed her where the bedroom was. “I mean it—I’m rich, powerful, stylish, and care about comfort. Tech savvy, up with the times.”
“Modest, too,” she added, and I gave her a smile.
“Dragons aren’t modest,” I clarified, sweeping my hand through the air as I opened the door to the bedroom. “Even Murtagh’s not modest. He’s just more minimalistic. Don’t let him fool you. Let me tell you about some of the other?—”
She grabbed my cock and my eyes widened.
I hadn’t seen it coming. She didn’t seem like she’d been properly seduced. I looked down at her. She had a wide-eyed, intelligent gaze, like she could either do this or eat ice cream but really didn’t care which. It was quite adorable.
“I appreciate your initiative,” I told her carefully, “Are you in the mood for my cock, then?”
“I think you’re in the mood for it, and you’ve been nice enough despite me running away earlier. I think you deserve it,” she replied, but I sighed and brushed her hand off.
“Zazie, I don’t want sex transactionally,” I said, mad at myself as I was saying it. I wanted her, and I loved fucking right before I planned to sleep.
“I thought that you’re used to transactional sex?” she asked, putting her hands behind her back.
“Not with you. You’re different. I want more than that with you,” I clarified firmly.
“Because I want to keep you, and not like in-the-basement or on-a-leash—except maybe under special circumstances,” I added as an aside. “But Murtagh and I want you to be our third. Our…”
“What? Like a wife?” she asked, looking startled.
I didn’t say anything as I thought very hard for an answer that wouldn’t startle her but wasn’t lying.
I waited too long because she straightened. “A wife—what? Am I the start of this harem?” she demanded, sounding none-too-pleased.
I rolled my eyes. “No. Dragons take one wife among two men. It’s how it works.”
“How what works?” she demanded.
“Mating.” She was looking at me very hard now, so I admitted, “Breeding.”
Her mouth dropped open. “You just met me, and you want to breed me?”
“Breed with you. With. With is a very important preposition,” I assured her as her eyes sparked at me. “I’m not just going to fuck you and leave you to stand at a breadline with my children in tow,” I assured, waving at her, or whatever idea she had in her head that was making this such a bad thing.
“That’s what the witch was talking about!” she snapped, like I was in any way responsible for what the witch had said. The witch said a lot of things that I wish had been said in confidence.
“We can’t breed with people who aren’t Daconian. We’re very biologically unique. So yes, sue me, I want children.”
“Were you going to tell me that was your plan?” she demanded.
“That’s not a very good strategy. Besides, you’re a personal investigator. Surely you know what fucking leads to. I’m not going to insult your intelligence in the beginning of our relationship,” I told her.
She waved her hand around like I was making this up or trying to ensnare her, one of the two. “Well then what does the second dragon do?”