Page 118 of Shared

I blacked out. If you can imagine, I just let it happen, felt it start, and leaned into it. I didn’t want to be conscious when I became a pancake after all. The last sound I was sure I heard beside the deafening wind was a dragon roar.

And then I woke up, my body whiplashing in another direction. And I realized I was now going sideways. At first, I worried it was Seraphus and violently tried to wrench my body free, but then I realized that what was around my body wasn’t arms. It was large talons.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and then tried not to pass out again.

The whoosh of wings kicked up the rain and the wind all around us, but the smell of fire and burning flesh couldn’t be ignored. It was searing my senses, keeping me distracted until I was dropped onto the ground in the mud, and then a second later, Caspian had his arms wrapped tightly around me.

“Zazie? Darling, you need to talk to me,” Caspian demanded, his voice trembling.

My eyes fluttered open.

My whole body hurt. And my hands were empty. “My… My diamonds…” I choked out, my neck feeling stiff and searing with pain.

“Get her to the witch,” I heard Murtagh say, and my body began to get jostled. I moaned in response.

There was smoke that flooded my senses, but then the rain stopped pouring down on us as we went inside somewhere. Now most of the smell was that of frankincense and citrus.

“Mon deu!” I heard a feminine voice gasp sharply. “Allon! Come in. Lay her right there. Lord, but she beat up real good.”

“…Diamonds… My diamonds…” I groaned.

“They’re not important right now,” Caspian told me, and I could feel his hand brush my hair back off of my face.

“If she wants them, you’d better go get ‘em,” the witch said from somewhere above my head. Her firm tone didn’t broach any argument. “If she’s making words right now, those words are important.”

There was silence, but before too long I felt the diamonds back in my hands. I could feel their heat, the vibration coursing up my arm.

“You did very well, mistress…” Lully told me in a calm, soothing voice. “Just relax; we’ll do all the work.”

“Is she… Is she?” Caspian was asking above me somewhere. He sounded like he was on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

I don’t know what he was going to say. Because I lost consciousness at this point.

I dreamed I was in a black room; it was peaceful except for the utter darkness. I felt like I was in a vast chamber while feeling warm and coddled.

“Good work,” I heard a voice say.

I spun around and I saw two outlines of a very tall person. Maybe thirteen feet tall; I craned my neck all the way back.

“What?” I asked them.

“Your blood is so unique, such a strange blend of djinn and human. A special girl born into this world to destroy it and to save it,” the outlines said. I recognized their voices now, even though they were different. “Our precious one.” I felt the outline touch my face, and it was warm, and soft, and wonderful.

“Rocky? Lully?” I asked, looking up at the beings. “Why are you so… big?”

“We’re neither big nor small. We’re blending our minds with yours, our sweet mistress,” they said. They talked together, as one. “We are healing your broken body and wanted to see you closer.”

I looked around, and saw that through the darkness, there was light, now reflecting off of certain angles. “Am I inside the diamond?”

“You can see what we see?”

I walked through the darkness and up towards the light. A small window could be seen, letting the light in, and I looked out.

I could see everyone. Murtagh, Caspian… Looking so distraught, so worried.

“Your dragons have long awaited you as well. You can tell. They yearn.”

“What happened?” I asked, turning. “What happened to Seraphus?”