Page 12 of Brad

Chapter 5

She’d never been wooed before. Never had a man that she barely knew touch her the way that Brad was now. His hands, warm from his magic, seemed to melt away her embarrassment and fears. Her body, especially around men that she didn’t know well, just felt softer with his touch. As if he could sense her tensions and was able to smooth them away.

“Your skin is so soft. I love the way you smell, too. Like sunshine and the earth all in one.” His words were like silk in the way that they touched her skin. His breath, hot and delicious smelling had her wanting everything from him. Even if she didn’t know what that was just yet, she knew that Brad would be the only one who could give it to her. “I need to kiss you, Becka. Everywhere that I can.”

Her clothing seemed to just melt away. If not for the cool breeze of his breath as he suckled at her nipple, she might have thought that it was all a dream that she was having, the best sexually fueled dream she’d ever had. Lying back on the bed when Brad asked her to, Becka wasn’t embarrassed that he was staring at her naked. Not the fact that his cock, straining hard against his jeans, was making a stain at his zipper.

Brad touched her everywhere. With her newfound freedom with her body, she let herself make any noises that she did aloud. Telling him with her moans and sighs how much she was enjoying being made love to by him.

When he was at her pussy, her body suddenly tightened up. His small chuckle made her close her legs tighter around his head until he begged to be freed. When his hand lifted her up from the bed ever so slightly, her breath went out of her body in one woosh as his mouth covered her pussy, and he suckled.

She couldn’t breathe one second and then felt as if her heart was going to shatter in the next. His mouth was doing wonderful things to her, his tongue exploring a part of her that she’d never touched herself. Even as she rode his mouth and fingers, them sliding in and out of her with such speed that she cried out several times when she was close to coming, Becka let herself ride the waves of pleasure, still feeling like she was missing something. Something very important.

“You have such a wonderful taste about you, love. Come for me so that I can drink you down. Enjoy your flavor and essence like I want.” His words were doing things to her that went beyond his hands. As he slid his fingers deeper and deeper into her, he would touch something, the one sweet spot she knew of that would set her off just enough to make her want more.

Even with the tiny climaxes she was having, jolts to her heart and mind that would have her crying out loud, Becka needed, no, she needed more than her next breath. Every time that he touched her, Becka would beg him for a release that he was keeping her from. Finally having enough, she pulled his hair up and jerked his head from her.

She thought it the most sexy thing she’d ever seen with him leaning over her pussy, his chin and cheeks soaked with her juices. His eyes, glazed over, had her begging him for more than…whatever it was, she knew that they both needed it. Begging him to take her, he slowly released her legs and made his way up her length.

“Your thighs taste like the finest flowers. Your pussy?” He dove into her once more, she supposed in the event that she might have forgotten that he was eating her. “Your pussy is divine. I love how you soak my mouth with yourself. How your cream fills me and slides down the back of my throat. You make me want more.”

“I need more, too. Oh, Brad, I love you so very much. I think I’ve been waiting for you forever. I do love you.”

Brad continued to make his way up her body. Taking his time to touch places on her that he’d not touched before. A rib here. A small scar that she had on her hip from when a locking bolt slipped from her hand. He touched her breasts, lingering long and tirelessly while suckling at her nipples. Even her navel was given attention with his mouth and fingers.

“Please? Brad, please take me.” Still, he took his time. When he nibbled at her neck, her shoulders, she was sure that her pussy gushed more of her cream on the bed. Becka didn’t care, didn’t think beyond how close he was to filling her. Asking him one more time to take her, she could feel his cock at her entrance.

“I want to take you slowly and hard. I want to make you mine forever and fill you with a child. Tell me, Becka. Tell me again how much you love me.” Even before she could draw in a breath to tell him anything, he entered her to his hilt. His balls, hot and full, were touching her while he paused just long enough for her to hear his heart pounding. His breaths, hot and short, were there for her to hear, too.

Becka felt her body adjusting to him. He was thick and hard, and her body was moving in a way that had him crying out. He now was doing the begging as she wanted to make him take her. But instead, she listened to what he was saying.

“You’re so tight around me I can’t move. Christ, what a way to die. I could, too. Just like this. My cock buried so deep inside of you that—oh Christ, Becka, I can’t hold back anymore.”

It was like he had become demented in taking her. The bed banged loudly against the wall as he pounded her. Even as she reached up and wrapped her fingers around his shoulders, her legs lifted and wrapped around his hips. Crying out, uncaring if anyone heard her, she screamed loud and long when he told her he was coming. That was all it took, just him saying those two words that had her grabbing onto him tightly and thinking that she was never going to be the same again.

When she woke, not even sure how long she’d been out, Brad was still stroking her from the inside and out. His hands danced along her skin while his cock slowly fucked her. Each place his mouth touched her, his tongue would lick the spot where he had only just nipped at her flesh. Rising up, showing him what she wanted in the way of completion, Becka felt her body rise up off the bed at her hips and felt like she was pulling him tighter into her. Then she came.

Her body felt turned inside out. Then, she was taken through a hole in the air that took away all her breath, blood, and skin. As it was now, she wasn’t sure that anything was going back on her body in the right places.

Becka was overly sensitive. Even his breath along her throat made her feel as if he was burning her alive, but strangely, in a good way. Crying out when she peaked, no other word for it, Becka was positive that she was never going to be the same no matter what kind of magic there was to put her back together again. She fell over a cliff of sensations that were hers and hers alone that she was thrilled to be sharing with the one true love of her life. Brad Kirk.

Waking up, the room was bright with light, which was the only reason that she knew that it was morning. Well, daytime, anyway. Brad was still in bed, too, but he was dressed in a pair of jeans that she’d never seen him wear before. Rolling over, he asked her if she was all right.

“I don’t know. Ask me in a few minutes.” He laughed and handed her a glass of some amber liquid when she sat up a little more. “I don’t drink, but whatever this is sounds good.”

“It’s juice. The glass will refill itself for you. It’s the least that I could do for you since you nearly killed me. Christ, I loved every part of that. But you’ve taken all of everything out of me.” She nearly snorted a mouth full of the best-tasting apple juice she’d ever drank. “Laugh it up, but unless you’re carrying my child right now, it might be a long time before we have any children.”

She was laughing when he got out of bed after finishing off two glasses of the juice. When he held onto the bottom of the bed, it sent her into giggles. However, they were short-lived when she realized how sore she was, too. Getting up when he came out of the bathroom, she decided that she needed a shower. It wouldn’t just clean her up but hopefully work out some of the soreness she was feeling.

By the time she was dressed, Becka wanted to return to the bed. Brad had left her, telling her that he had a meeting with Adam today that he couldn’t miss. She, too, had places to be, but she had to make sure that Toby was all right. She’d not thought of him once last night before going to bed.

“I’m fine. I’m staying at the pack buildings so that I could get there when the test results come in.” She told him she’d forgotten about that. “So did I, to be honest. If not for one of the professors reminding me, I would have been there in the other realm with you and Brad. Do you suppose he’d mind very much if I call him dad? It’s just something that occurred to me. Anyway, the furniture arrived about an hour ago, and the pack helped them move it all into the house. We did a good job, considering it was nearly midnight when we finished up.”

“I think that Brad would be beyond thrilled if you were to call him dad. I have a few things that I need to talk to you about, too.” He asked her if she wanted to live in the other realm as much as he did. “Yes. I think that the three of us would enjoy that. But we’d have to maintain a residence there so that there isn’t any trouble with you going to college and becoming a productive bear. Have you given much thought to what Calhoun asked you? It’s a big decision for you to be making.”

They wanted him to co-teach a couple of classes at the pack. He knew several languages, the same that she did and they wanted him to help with the pronunciation of it taught in the classes. Which she thought made sense. If you only learned from a book, how good did you think you were if you’d not heard anyone saying it aloud before. She’d learned that from someone she’d met while traveling.

“I told him what you said. That so long as it didn’t interfere with my school work, then I’d be happy to do it. I think that doing that will also make my language a good deal stronger than it is right now. What do you think?” She said that it was his decision, but she had thought the same thing. “Good. And I know we never discussed it, but I will tell you this. I’m so happy that you have Brad after I’m gone. I did really worry about you. But I feel like you have someone to hang around with and won’t just do the driving thing for something to do. Like you said, you’re getting much too old to be traipsing around the states like you are.”