Gabe blew out a petulant breath. How was she supposed to go back to that table and eat anything when she only had an appetite for Lori? And the last thing she wanted to do was prolong the time between now and when they hit the sheets.
Lori straightened Gabe’s tie then smoothed down her dress. “Ready?”
Gabe closed her eyes and tried to cool her raging passion. It was finally happening, and she could see a way beyond the past that had tried to mar her future. Lori was a wonderfully kind human being; Gabe would explain everything about her incident with the sergeant major and his wife, and Lori would understand. And then every night could be like the one they were about to have. She opened her eyes and nodded. “Ready,” she said and followed Lori back to their table.
The conversation seemed to be in full flow, with Solo seemingly holding court, loudly, and Gabe noticed she was slurring her words a little. Janie looked uncomfortable and strangely focused on the plate in front of her instead of listening to her wife.
“Solo was just telling us that you’re the first woman to receive a Purple Heart and a Medal of Honor,” Hank said as she and Lori took their seats.
Gabe glanced at Solo and shrugged as she sat down. “Captain Parker Snow received a Medal of Honor in 2020 for pulling several of her colleagues out of a helicopter that had been shot down over enemy territory. So I was the first for that medal, but now I’m not the only one. Solo’s right that I’m the only woman with both though.”
“It seems surprising that you didn’t go further up the ranks after receiving those honors,” Hank said.
“Gabe could’ve become the US Army’s first female five-star general. Our very own superhero who could do no wrong,” Solo said, loud enough for the whole section of the restaurant to hear. She laughed and waved her steak knife in Gabe’s direction. “But then she screwed the sergeant major’s wife, which got her blackballed.”
Gabe made a slashing motion across her neck as ice-cold panic swept up her spine.
“That’s enough, Solo,” Shay said.
But it was too late. Gabe should’ve told Solo and the rest of them about Lori’s ex-wife cheating on her, should’ve told them never to say anything. But that would’ve dragged them all into this and made Gabe even more deceitful.
“What?” Solo raised her glass, looking confused at the tense looks being shot her way. “He was a prick, and he deserved it.”
Shay grasped Solo’s arm and slammed it on the table. “Shut your mouth, Solo, or I’ll shut it for you.”
Gabe braved a sideways glance at Lori. She looked stunned, and tears edged her eyes. Gabe reached out, but Lori swatted her hand away.
Her ice-cold tone was like a punch to Gabe’s heart, like Lori had frozen her emotions and shut down everything they’d just shared in the hallway, and every conversation and intimate moment they’d had disappeared in the tornado of Solo’s declaration.
Lori tossed her napkin on the table and pushed out her chair. “Mom…would you?—”
“Honey, what’s going on?” Hank asked.
“I have to leave, Daddy,” she said, her voice trembling just a little.
Gabe sagged in her chair, like gravity was pulling down extra hard and iron chains had wrapped around her to hold her in place. Say something.
Hank frowned. “Solo has just had one drink too many, honey. She didn’t mean anything by it, I’m sure.”
Lori shook her head. “It’s not her, Daddy.” She squeezed his shoulder and stood. “I’ll explain later, but right now, I have to get out of here.”
Hank moved to get up. “I’ll get the bill. Wait for me?”
Gabe became aware of Rosie’s presence between her and Lori.
“Let’s go, Lori,” Rosie said and glared daggers at Gabe. “I knew you were too good to be true. You nearly had us all fooled. Great acting: you missed your vocation.”
“Lori, please. Hear me out,” Gabe finally managed to say, but Lori didn’t look back. The four of them headed out of the restaurant, leaving the celebrations behind. Gabe fought against the imaginary shackles and began to stand, but Shay put her hand on her forearm.
“Let her go,” Shay said. “Let her go for now. She’ll calm down, and you can explain everything.”
Gabe sank back into her chair and turned to Shay. “What if you’re wrong?” Tears misted over her eyes, and she looked away from the glances of the rest of her team, the question of what the hell had just happened clear in their expressions. She couldn’t make eye contact with Solo right now either because she might just knock her out.
Shay stood and pulled her up then guided her over to the bar. Gabe didn’t resist. All her strength and resolve had withered away when she’d seen the look of complete disappointment and hurt in Lori’s expression.
“Stay here,” Shay said. “I’ll make our excuses, and we’ll go find a bar.”