Page 86 of Sanctuary

“Pull it together, Gabe. Her parents are right behind her, and you’re being more than a little obvious.”

Gabe blinked, breaking the connection. For now.

“Looks like Rosie only has eyes for you,” Gabe said when she saw the obvious desire in Rosie’s gaze, which was fixed on Shay. Rosie had come dressed to kill too.

“As it should be,” Shay said.

Cocky words aside, Shay looked nonplussed as she looked at Rosie in her black sheath dress. Gabe stood as Rosie, Lori, and her parents were led over by the maître d’ holding a stack of menus. They all said their hellos as they followed him to their table toward the quieter part of the restaurant. Lori’s hand brushed Gabe’s, and though she wanted to grab hold and never let go, she stuffed her hand in her pocket instead. If she had any chance of surviving tonight without doing something she’d promised not to do, there was no way she could lean into Lori’s flirtatiousness. And especially not in front of her parents, whom she did want to impress in spite of herself.

She inhaled deeply when she became aware of Lori’s signature citrusy scent. Then she prayed that Lori’s parents would insist on sandwiching Lori between them so Gabe could have some much-needed distance.

“Gabe, why don’t you sit at the head of the table with Lori?” Hank asked.

He couldn’t have read Gabe’s mind because if he had, he would never have put his daughter anywhere near her. “Er, no, that’s okay. You should both sit with her.”

Hank patted Gabe on the shoulder. “Absolutely not. This is a double celebration: Lori’s birthday and the restoration project, which never would’ve happened without you.”

He gently pushed her closer to Lori, who slipped her hand around Gabe’s forearm and squeezed.

“Lucky me,” Lori whispered.

God help me if she’s already buzzed. RB and Woody threw her amused glances and sat at the opposite end of the table.

“Hey, everyone. Sorry we’re late.”

Gabe looked up to see Solo and Janie, dressed to kill but looking flustered.

“Let me guess: Tia?” Lori asked and laughed lightly.

“Got it in one,” Solo said as she pulled out Janie’s chair, scraping it loudly across the floor.

“She’s gotten into the habit of pulling Luna’s hair until Luna starts to sob,” Janie said. “When Luna cries, Chloe starts for no reason.” She shook her head and looked at Lori’s mom. “Karen, I’m beginning to see the wisdom of just having one, like you and Hank did.”

Karen chuckled. “Oh, I don’t know. I think Lori would’ve liked a sibling, even one that yanked her hair.”

Lori nodded. “Didn’t I spend two years nagging you for a sister when we first moved to Thailand?”

“You did, that’s right,” Hank said. “But your sole reason was that you wanted someone to speak English to. You were scared that you were going to forget the language while you were at school all day.”

Lori placed her hand over Gabe’s. “In my defense, I was only eight…”

The touch of Lori’s hand sent a wave of heat through Gabe’s body, but she managed to stay in place. “Then you’re forgiven,” she said, sure that she’d forgive Lori anything anytime.

“Should we look at the menu?” Karen asked. “I’m hungry after all the riding we did today.”

Hank ordered some champagne, then everyone settled into small talk while they checked out the food.

Gabe edged toward Lori. “Are you sure you’re okay with sharing your birthday like this?”

“Already asked and answered on Tuesday, Gabe,” Lori said. “I love that my dad wanted to thank you for what you’ve done.” She leaned in close so that her breath whispered against Gabe’s ear. “You and your team have been so wonderful, I’d share anything with you.”

Gabe gulped. She wanted Lori to clarify that last part—anything with her or anything with all of them?—but said nothing. She’d been getting a better handle on this friendship thing until Lori’s hustler performance last weekend. Now it was like she was back to the beginning, struggling to control herself.

She felt the warmth of Lori’s thigh against hers.

“I should be more specific,” Lori whispered. “I meant I’d share anything with you, and you alone.”

Lori opened her menu and ran her finger along the entrees as if she hadn’t just busted open Gabe’s head.