Page 75 of Sanctuary

Gabe shoved Shay’s finger away. “Please don’t poke me. You know I hate that.”

“Explain yourself then.”

“I can go one week without meaningless sex,” Gabe said. “I’m not an animal who can’t control their urges.”

Shay raised her eyebrows. “You’ve never had to control this particular urge before.”

Gabe took a long pull on her beer and watched RB break at a nearby pool table. “What’s your point?”

“My point is I’m worried that you won’t be able to control yourself tonight, and that you might do something you’ll regret. You’ve already got plenty of beer in you, and now we’re in a club. It’s dark, the music’s pumping, bodies are pressed together on the dance floor. You think you can resist all that and not make a move on Lori when she gets here?”

Gabe nodded. “That’s exactly what I think. I told you already: she’s important to me, and I won’t do anything to ruin the friendship. We’ve had the near-miss, and I didn’t succumb. I promise I won’t tonight either.”

“What’re you going to do when someone hits on you?” Shay asked.


Shay rubbed her forehead. “Why not?”

“Because I’m not here for that tonight.” Gabe didn’t say that she probably wouldn’t be here for a pickup in the near future either. Her last encounter had been empty and lacking connection, and she could give herself better orgasms. And then there was the tiny issue of feeling like she was cheating on Lori, like she’d rather have no sex at all and feel good about herself than stick to her original plan of satisfying that side of her with transient women.

Shay let out an exasperated sigh. “How long is this going to last?” she asked gently. “I’ve never seen you like this, and I’m worried about you.”

“You don’t need to worry. I’m having fun, and I’m happy. Would I be happier if Lori and I were having sex? I don’t know, because for the first time ever, sex doesn’t seem that important to me.” Gabe held up her hand when Shay opened her mouth to comment. “That’s not the same as not wanting it. But it isn’t on the table, so I’m trying hard not to think about it. And maybe you were right all along. Maybe eventually I’ll be able to tell Lori about what happened with the Nelsons, and she’ll understand. But I’m enjoying myself too much to risk what we have right now, even though it’s not the whole package.”

“Don’t you want the whole package?”

“I’ve never had the whole package, so I don’t know what I’m missing.” She looked at RB and Woody as they chest-bumped, and she smiled. “Coming out of the Army terrified me, Shay.”

Shay frowned. “You were terrified?”

Gabe nodded slowly. “I didn’t know for sure that the team would still be interested in the garage idea, I had nowhere to live, and I had no family to lean on. We all know veterans like me have ended up on the streets for the rest of their lives.”

“I never knew that’s how you felt,” Shay said. “I’m your best friend, Gabe. How could I not know that?”

“Because I didn’t tell you, and you’re not psychic. But everything worked out, and now I’ve got this,” she motioned to Woody and RB and then to Shay, “and we’re opening the garage next week. I get to visit Max every week, and I’ve got someone new in my life who I really care for in a way that I didn’t know I was capable of. I’m the most content I’ve ever been in my life, Shay, so there really is nothing for you to worry about. Okay?”

“You’re sure you’re okay?”

“I’m sure.” She stood and pulled Shay to her feet. “Let’s go shoot some pool and show those lug-heads how it’s done.”

Gabe and Shay had won three games by the time Lori and Rosie arrived, both looking stunning in blouse and skirt combos matched with heels that Gabe couldn’t imagine them trying to dance in. But she’d learned long ago that there was very little a femme couldn’t do in heels.

Everyone greeted and hugged them, and Woody and RB headed to the bar for drinks while Shay began to chat with Rosie.

Lori hooked her arm into Gabe’s and pulled her aside. “One thing about work, and then the rest of the night is for play. Is that okay?”

“You’re setting the rules,” Gabe said and grinned. “We can talk about whatever you want to.”

“I just wanted to thank you again for getting the Oakley fixed,” Lori said. “Fran’s staying in Louisville overnight, and she said it was running like a dream.”

“That’s great news. How’s the horse?”

“Nope.” Lori put her finger to Gabe’s lips. “I’ve said my one thing. Now you’re going to teach me how to play pool.”

Gabe groaned internally, and Shay just shook her head slowly, mouthing, “Good luck,” silently. She followed Lori back to the pool table they’d commandeered and didn’t stop herself from enjoying the way Lori swayed her hips or the soft curves of her calves. She snapped her eyes up when Lori spun around.

“Before we start, I need to ask you one thing, and it might sound strange.”