Page 102 of Sanctuary

Gabe wrapped her arms around Lori’s back and pulled her closer, her heart beating strong in Lori’s ear.

But she said nothing, and they embraced in a soft and steady silence that enveloped them in a protective bubble.

When Lori finally raised her head, she looked up to see tears edging Gabe’s eyes.

Gabe swallowed hard and ran her hand through Lori’s hair. “I think…” She shook her head, as if the words were alien and might never have passed her lips before. “Lori… I love you.”

Lori had heard those words pass the lips of other lovers and then, the lawyer’s. But only now, as they emerged from Gabe’s mouth, did she ever really feel and truly believe them. She kissed Gabe, crushed their lips together the same way as their lives were now entwined, then pulled away slowly. “I love you, Gabe.” And as she said it too, she realized it was the first time she’d really ever truly meant it.


Everything that had gone before dissipated like morning dew on a hot summer’s day. All memories of the other women Gabe had shared her bed with retreated into the deepest recesses of her mind. All of that now seemed irrelevant, like it had served its purpose and led her to this moment, so now she should let it go. Because this right here, with Lori in her arms, was everything she would need from this moment on. And Gabe would share all of herself, lay bare her vulnerabilities, her fears, the essence of what made her who she was.

The sun had almost fully risen, chasing away the last vestiges of darkness and signaling the first day of the rest of her life—she hoped. Lori’s head rested on her chest, and she breathed slow and deep, still held fast in the arms of Morpheus. She laughed inwardly at Lori’s comment last night about her being poetic for a grease monkey—Gabe could only blame it on this new and euphoric feeling of being in love. And better yet, of being loved back for exactly who she was for the first time in her life.

She fought the desire to pull Lori from her sleep, particularly since they’d only paused their exploration of each other a couple of hours ago. Gabe should be tired, exhausted probably, after a non-stop first day at the garage followed by hours and hours of the most incredibly intimate and soulful sex. It wasn’t just sex though; they’d made love. The moment Lori had stopped Gabe from leaving was the moment she opened the door into what they could be together. If the last eight hours were any indication, they were going to be an epic love story. They’d laid the path to this possible reality over the past couple of months. Revelations, stories shared, and so many tender interactions were pieces of a puzzle waiting to be completed by this. By this connection, the final fragment of their future.

Gabe was drawn back to Lori when she became aware of Lori’s fingers tracing her abs. “Morning, beautiful,” she said and kissed the top of her head.

Lori shifted and placed her head on the pillow. “Morning, handsome.” She wiped her eyes. “Is it morning?”

“The sun just came up.” Gabe tucked Lori’s hair behind her ear and smiled.

“But I feel like we only just got to sleep.” Lori narrowed her eyes and prodded Gabe’s chest. “What time did you finally let me rest?”

Gabe chuckled. “You’re blaming me? I think we were equally reluctant to go to sleep, and it seemed like you were determined to suck the life out of me.”

Lori wiggled her eyebrows. “That’s your fault for tasting so good. Speaking of which,” she said, inching down the bed. She parted Gabe’s legs and settled between them again. “I think this is my new happy place.”

Gabe didn’t have time to respond before Lori locked her lips around Gabe’s clit again, robbing her of the ability to form a complete sentence. She dropped her head back onto the pillow and closed her eyes. Images of last night, of Lori’s naked body under her hands, played behind her eyelids like a private movie for an audience of one. Lori drew Gabe into her mouth and drove her to the brink of release within minutes. Gabe clutched the sheets as she fell over the precipice and tumbled into yet another wave of pleasure. Lori didn’t let up, pulling every drop of arousal from Gabe’s body until all her muscles relaxed, and she softened against the bed, fully spent.

Lori raised her head and smiled widely before climbing up Gabe’s body to lay on top of her.

“You look pleased with yourself,” Gabe whispered when her breathing evened out, and she regained the ability to communicate. Lori kissed her hard, and Gabe tasted herself on Lori’s lips.

“I am.” She sighed deeply. “I’ve finally discovered what all the fuss is about with this sex thing.”

Lori pushed herself up to straddle Gabe, and the heat and wetness of her core against Gabe’s stomach caused her to sigh in much the same way as Lori just had. Now she understood it was a contentment deeper than the Pacific Ocean. She placed her hands on Lori’s hips. “Have I told you how insanely gorgeous you are?”

“You did mention it a few times last night, but you could just have been saying it to have your way with me.” Lori dragged her nails along Gabe’s collarbone and down her chest. “I wouldn’t be averse to hearing it again in the aftermath of our lovemaking.”

Gabe grinned. “We were making love, were we?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s what it was.” Lori raked her nails a little harder over Gabe’s skin. “It did seem to get more intense after we both said those three little words, wouldn’t you agree?”

Gabe took Lori’s hand, but Lori pushed her arms above her head and pinned her to the bed. She eased down a little so her breast hovered over Gabe’s mouth. Gabe lifted her head to capture Lori’s nipple, but Lori pulled back.

“Nope, you don’t get anything else until you?—”

“I agree,” Gabe said.

Lori shook her head but leaned a little closer to Gabe’s mouth. “You could just be saying that to get what you want.”

“I do agree, and I’m saying it to get what I want.”

Lori lowered herself enough so that Gabe could kiss her nipple then she eased back up to her sitting position.

“You’re gorgeous,” Gabe said, remembering Lori’s small wobble in confidence last night. “Thank you for letting me see you.”