Page 100 of Sanctuary

“What did I say about not being virtuous?” Gabe gave a wicked smile then reached for a pillow and pulled it under her head.

Lori shifted and rocked back on her butt. “Getting comfortable?”

“Not so much. You’re the one in charge of that.”

Lori licked her top lip slowly. “And what could I do to make you more comfortable?”

Gabe pushed up onto her elbows and wrapped her hand in Lori’s hair, but she didn’t apply any pressure. “Putting your mouth on me would be a great start.”

Lori pulled Gabe’s hand from her head and nibbled her calf. “My mouth is on you.”

Gabe chuckled, dropped back on the bed, and rested her hand between her legs. “You know what I mean.” She began to draw slow and lazy circles over her clit. “I want your mouth here.”

Lori let out a slow breath and simply watched. “And is that the way I should move my tongue on you?” she whispered, her intention to take Gabe slowly fading along with the setting sun.

Gabe dipped her finger in the slickness between her lips and then returned to her clit. “I think you should figure that out for yourself.”

Lori raked her nails along Gabe’s thighs and edged closer. “It doesn’t look like you need me…”

Gabe raised her finger and offered it to Lori’s mouth. “Then looks have never been so deceptive. I need you more than a desert needs water.”

“That’s quite poetic for a grease monkey,” she said and parted her lips to take Gabe’s finger into her mouth. The taste of Gabe’s essence made her clench her thighs together—so sweet and fresh—and she moaned softly. Lori sucked it deeper into her mouth and ran her tongue along its length. Gabe’s eyes half-lidded in response, and she dropped her head back, muttering something Lori didn’t catch.

She withdrew Gabe’s finger and pushed herself farther onto the bed so she could take Gabe’s hardened nipple into her mouth. She flicked her tongue over it firmly and then traced circles around it. Gabe growled under her touch and snaked her fingers into Lori’s hair once more. Lori’s light nibble increased the volume of Gabe’s response, so she bit a little harder, and Gabe writhed beneath her.

“Aw, fuck…”

Lori eased up and switched to Gabe’s other breast while she ran her hand over her other one. They were so small and tight, unlike any woman she’d been with before, and the muscle beneath them seemed to strain for her attention. She lifted her head and moved so that she was lying fully on top of Gabe’s body, her heat searing through the thin material of Lori’s linen shirt. Gabe was so rock-hard underneath her that it was like lying on a marble table draped with a silk cloth. The combination took Lori’s breath away as the softness of her body molded over Gabe’s, a feeling as natural as breathing.

She pressed her lips to Gabe’s mouth and slipped her tongue inside, probing for a response. Gabe’s tongue met hers as they kissed, ramping up the intensity of their passion and deepening their connection. With the taste of Gabe fresh in her memory, she slid down the length of Gabe’s body until she was on her knees, her mouth inches from Gabe’s pussy. She looked up and met Gabe’s eyes, drowsy with desire, a look she was sure was mirrored in her own. “Remind me what you wanted.”

Gabe shook her head. “Like you forgot?”

“Okay,” Lori said. “Ask me to give you what you want.”

Gabe’s lip curled slightly, and she put both hands behind her head again. “You want to play those games with me?” she whispered hoarsely.

Lori looked deep into Gabe’s eyes and nodded. “I want to play every game with you,” she said, fully committed to exploring her sudden burgeoning sexuality like she was coming out all over again.

“Please would you wrap your mouth around me and make me see stars?”

Lori drew in Gabe’s scent. Unable to tease her any longer, she lowered her lips to Gabe’s sex and traced her tongue along her length until she reached the tip. Lori drew Gabe’s clit into her mouth and ran her tongue in slow circles to the same rhythm she’d watched Gabe touch herself.

Gabe let out a loud and throaty moan then clutched at the bedsheet. “Fuck me.”

Lori lifted her head momentarily to say, “We’ll get to that,” before slipping back into position. She moved her arms under Gabe’s thighs and gripped her hips as she quickened her pace slightly to sync with the rise and fall of Gabe’s body beneath her. Gabe’s breathing became shallow and fast, and she muttered incoherently as Lori continued to take her in.

Gabe put her hand on Lori’s head, and this time, there was a light pressure. “Just there… Don’t…”

Lori circled and sucked then she moved one hand so that she could slip two fingers deep into Gabe. She grunted hard and moaned lightly as Lori drove hard and fast, matching the pace of her tongue.

“Oh, God, Jesus, and fuck,” Gabe shouted as she exploded into Lori’s mouth.

Lori didn’t lose contact, even when Gabe bucked beneath her and shuddered. She felt Gabe’s orgasm run right through her, almost as if she was coming too. Gabe’s arousal filled Lori’s mouth, and she swallowed thirstily, as if this was something she’d been deprived of for decades. In a way, she had, but she was determined to make up for that now, and she kept driving her fingers inside as Gabe writhed and cried out. The heady sense of control to make Gabe, a woman so hard, soften like putty in her hands was almost overwhelming and so addictive.

She pulled Gabe further into her mouth, wanting and demanding more. And seconds later, Gabe released herself again, moaning and writhing, to Lori’s unrelenting desire. Still unsated though, Lori tried for a third until Gabe pulled away from beneath her.

“I can’t,” Gabe said breathily. “You’ve already had it all.”