Gabe picked up one of the pens on the table. “Then let’s get this out of the way because I can’t wait to get that car back to the garage to show the team.”
“And I can’t wait to get it off my property.”
Gabe put her squiggle alongside the first tab. “Here’s to the beginning of a great partnership.”
Lori’s hand moved elegantly across the paper, caressing it with the pen to create a beautifully flowing signature. What Gabe would give to be underneath Lori’s hand instead of that damn contract.
She grabbed another brownie to distract herself from the unhelpful train of thought. Maybe with more exposure to Lori, Gabe could become immune to her unassuming charms.
Yeah, and maybe tomorrow we’ll have world peace.
“Just to be clear and to make sure I understand the current parameters of our friendship,” Rosie said as she put her car in park and turned off the engine, “I’m not allowed to set you up because you’re working through your baggage. And that’s going to take as long as it takes, but you’re allowed to introduce me to women you think I might like.” She turned in her seat and faced Lori. “Do I have that about right?”
“You have it exactly right.” Lori gave Rosie a sweet smile and stepped out to wait for her. “Did you have to take a spot so far away from the elevators?”
Rosie hooked her arm through Lori’s as they began the trek toward the elevators. “I told you: I’m minimizing the potential damage to my paintwork by parking far from the madding crowd.”
“I wish you told me before I chose these shoes.”
Rosie whistled. “They are killer heels, and they look spectacular. Your TikTok followers will love them, I’m sure.”
“That’s the idea. I’m happy to exploit any angle if it means I can attract more donations.” That hadn’t been the reason for her choice in footwear, of course. She wanted to feel confident when she saw Gabe again, and heels did that for her. They also made her feel sexy, which was something she hadn’t even thought about wanting to feel for a long time. “But anyway, you don’t have to worry about your car now that your best friend has connections. I hear Hannah is a whizz with a spray can.”
“This is the very first time I’ve been able to afford to buy a car that no one has ever sat in, or spilled coffee on the dash, or flicked a bitten-off nail into the backseat. I don’t want anyone with halitosis in this ride, so I really don’t want someone to ding the door yet. And you said that Hannah was married too, so she’s not going to give me any preferential treatment, is she?”
Lori shook her head. “You wouldn’t have been interested even if she wasn’t married to a—” Nope, she couldn’t quite bring herself to say that word in a good way anymore. “If she wasn’t married to a woman she’s just had triplets with. Trust me when I say that Hannah is definitely not your type. And you have to let your Toni fantasy go, because she’s busy living her happily ever after with her own soldier girl. I’m doing you a favor, like the good friend I am.”
Rosie hit the button on the wall of a bank of elevators. “I’m not sure there really are any happily ever after stories. Everyone around me is either miserable and single or miserable and married. I thought you were the exception.”
They stepped into an empty elevator, and Lori leaned back against the mirrored interior. “You’re not the only one who thought that. But don’t give up. A new love could be just around the corner.”
“Which brings you nicely to the woman I’m about to meet by accident,” Rosie said.
“Exactly. Her name is Shanae, but her civilian friends call her Shay.” Lori waved her hands in the air as if Shay’s name were up in lights.
“Mm.” Rosie looked up into the same space. “That’s a good start. I can hear myself calling out her name in the throes of passion.”
Lori scoffed. “Pillow queen.”
“It’s just my fingers I can’t use, Lori. I have plenty of other methods to please my partner.” Rosie extended her hands to display her perfectly manicured nails.
Lori admired them. Each nail was a deep, almost-black, maroon and every alternate nail was adorned with a delicately painted rose. “They’re exquisite.” Lori clasped her hands together to hide her own nails, which were desperately dull in comparison.
“When was the last time you treated your nails to some love?” Rosie asked.
“The trouble with someone knowing me so well is that I can barely do anything without my words or actions being interpreted.”
“And the good thing about someone knowing you so well is that you can barely do anything without someone caring about it,” Rosie said and smiled gently.
“That is a good thing, and I’m grateful for you.” She pulled Rosie into a hug.
The elevator reached the ground floor, and they exited directly onto the street.
Rosie stopped and held Lori at arm’s length, looking at her with a serious expression. “When we’re done here, we’re heading to the closest nail salon. My treat.”
Lori hooked her arm into Rosie’s again and headed toward Gabe’s garage. “That’s not necessary. It’s not that I can’t afford it, it’s more that I haven’t wanted to get them done.”