Page 108 of Sanctuary

Lori turned to them both, thankfully oblivious to the conversation. “I love it.” She got back on the bed and gripped the edges. “Let’s do this.”

Two pain- and tear-filled hours later, the three of them went back into the reception area.

“We’re going for dinner. Do you want to join us?” Gabe asked while Lori was at the desk paying and collecting a bagful of aftercare products.

“No, thanks,” Shay said. “You two need some alone time; you’re practically combustible together. And I’m staying here a while.”

Gabe glanced toward Zed. “Isn’t she a bit on the masculine side for you?”

Shay shook her head. “Why would you go there? I told you I had a consultation after Lori’s appointment.” She touched the shoulder that had taken the brunt of the lightning strike. “I’ve wanted to get this turned into something for a while. You knew that.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot.” She tapped her head. “Seems like there’s not much room in here for anything but Lori right now. I’ll see you at the garage tomorrow.”

“Staying out all night again?” Shay chuckled. “We might get someone else to move into your room.”

Gabe grinned. “Don’t be such a lesbian. I’m not U-Hauling yet.”

“You should know we’ve got bets on when that’ll happen. And it will happen.”

Lori slipped her hand in the back pocket of Gabe’s jeans. “I’m all set. And I’m starving. Where are we eating?”

“What are you in the mood for?” Gabe asked.

Lori wiggled her eyebrows, and Shay groaned.

“See what I mean? I’m no one’s third wheel.” Shay opened the studio door and ushered them out. “Have fun, you kids.”

Outside on the sidewalk, Gabe blinked against the evening sun that was low enough to almost blind them. She slipped on her shades and pulled Lori into her arms. “So, what do you want to eat?”


Gabe laughed. “I like the sound of that, but I can be dessert. What about real food?”

“I want you on your back as soon as possible, so let’s get takeout from Tix Pi and go home.”

“Home?” Had it only taken four days for Lori’s place to become home? Gabe wondered which of her buddies would have guessed closest.

“Did you want to go to your place? We could get enough for everyone, but I’m definitely not sharing dessert,” she said and winked.

Gabe shook her head. “That’s not what I meant, and no, let’s go back to the Sanctuary. We can take Max for a walk before…y’know…”

“Ah, I get it. Home… Did I freak you out?”

“Nope, not at all. It’s just something Shay said about U-Hauls.”

Lori wrapped her hand around Gabe’s neck and kissed her so intensely, it felt like the soft promise of their future.

“I’m in no rush. We’ve got forever, don’t we?”

“We do.” Gabe draped her arm over Lori’s shoulder, and they headed toward her truck. She’d never really thought of a forever before, never tried to grasp the concept, especially one with someone. But Lori had changed that.

Lori had changed everything.

And now Gabe couldn’t wait to get started on building that forever with the woman she loved more than she’d ever thought possible.


Lori should’ve been concentrating on the ever-increasing price for the rust bucket as the eccentric and fabulously flamboyant auctioneer whipped the crowd into a bidding frenzy.