Rosie threw her arms around Lori and pulled her into a hug. “I’m not going anywhere. It’s just…the lawyer hurt you so bad. If there’s anything I can do to keep you from going through that again, I will. Even if it means trying to knock down a woman built like a tank.”
Lori laughed and withdrew from the embrace. “I don’t think you need to worry about Gabe. Her outer shell might be made of titanium, but she’s soft and fluffy inside.”
Rosie’s phone vibrated on the table. She groaned as she picked it up. “I have to go. Fussy clients to handle.”
Lori glanced at her watch with a little relief. Gabe had texted to say she’d be there before eight, and it was already past seven. She wasn’t concerned about Rosie and Gabe crossing paths; she just knew that she needed Gabe inside her the moment she got in the house.
She walked Rosie out and saw Gabe’s truck coming up the driveway. “Before you go, how’s it going with you and Shay?”
Rosie pulled the car keys from her purse. “We’re having hours and hours of incredible sex, just like you two.”
“Okay. And?”
“And nothing,” Rosie said. “It’s no-strings fun with a beautiful, young Angela Bassett lookalike. I’m in heaven.” She winked and headed to her car, which Gabe had pulled up alongside.
Rosie sounded happy enough, but Lori wasn’t fully convinced. “Lunch this week?” she called after her.
Rosie turned. “I’m slammed this week, and you’ve got final prep on the auction. Let’s do dinner next week, okay?”
“Okay. I’ll text you.” Lori watched Gabe get out of her truck and have a short chat with Rosie. She waved as Rosie pulled away in her sleek sports car.
Gabe jogged toward her and scooped her up to kiss her. “God, I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you.” She inhaled Gabe’s fresh scent. “You smell great.”
“I showered at the garage.” Gabe lowered Lori to the ground and slipped her hands around her waist.
“And you’re early.”
“Shay kicked me out on account of my ‘stench of desperation,’” Gabe said, using air quotes, and grinned. “Is early okay? I should’ve called. Rosie didn’t leave because of me, did she?”
Lori shook her head. “She had clients to deal with. What did she say to you, by the way?”
Gabe chuckled. “She told me that if I don’t treat you like the queen you are, I’ll have to deal with her wrath.”
“And you kept a straight face?”
“Yes, I did. I take all threats to my life very seriously.”
Lori raised her eyebrows. “Even when they come from a five-foot-nothing woman who weighs less than you bench press?”
Gabe tilted her head. “Especially then. A scorned woman’s best friend is probably more lethal than the scorned woman herself.”
Lori grasped a handful of Gabe’s T-shirt. “Enough about Rosie. I need a reminder of how good you feel inside me.”
Gabe swept Lori into her arms and carried her toward the house. “Your wish is my command.”
Lori held tight and felt the scarred map of bumps and grooves through Gabe’s shirt. She tingled inside with the thought of tracing her tongue over Gabe’s skin and getting to know every beautiful inch of her.
She smiled and kissed Gabe’s neck, grateful that she’d found the strength to open her heart once again.
The tattoo artist, Zed, placed her iPad on the countertop and swiveled it around for them to look at.
Gabe whistled. “That’s a beautiful design.”
Lori still hadn’t told her what the original symbol meant, and Gabe didn’t push for it. When she’d first seen it, she’d wondered if it was the ex-wife’s initial. Maybe the mysterious woman was a Kate or a Kristen. But Gabe figured it didn’t matter since Lori was covering it up anyway.
“I love the way you’ve incorporated the heather flowers around the butterfly,” Lori said. “And the colors you’ve chosen are gorgeous.”