Page 9 of A Rescued Mate

“I almost died giving birth to Joy,” Keela says softly. “She was born premature and so tiny but I developed a bleed and almost didn’t make it.” Thomas looks at her in shock. “You didn’t do anything. Sometimes it’s just the way nature goes.”

Thomas releases a breath and his shoulders relax before he nods, like her words have healed a long festering wound. The lies that have been fed to this young man have done so much more damage than any of us could even try to comprehend. It will take years and lots of attention to undo what has been done to him, and even then I don’t know if it will ever be enough.

“When I first got brought to the Hunters’ compound, they put us in the same cell as part of an experiment,” Emmaleigh explains. “They wanted the two of us to mate. They wanted to see if they could replicate their initial research with Thomas. But he was so young, around thirteen if I had to guess, and neither of us ever had an interest in each other that way. When they realized it wouldn’t work, they started trying other things.”

“Such as?” Godrick asks, leaning forward.

“Mostly, how long it took for us to heal from wounds. First with the shift and then without. And silver nitrate.”

“Fuck me,” Calum grumbles.

“I think that’s enough for today,” Caine cuts in. “I think we’ve all had more excitement than we are used to and Emmaleigh hasn’t shifted to heal yet.”

“Yes,” Godrick agrees. “But perhaps in a few days, you could visit again. We need all the information we can get if we are going to take these assholes down.”

Emmaleigh nods distractedly as she stares at the forest surrounding the compound. She looks forlorn and I want to hold her until she smiles again.

“I know some of the other compounds. Their locations and the number of men guarding the sites,” Thomas cuts in. “I want to help.”

“And you will.” Godrick smiles. “But first we need to feed your big-ass wolf.”

Everyone chuckles as they stand and disperse. Peyton smiles at me with a nod as she also takes her leave. Now it’s only me and my mate.

Chapter Six


I can feel him watching me, his gaze burning into my back as I stare out at the forest. I take in the colors and smells, enjoying being outside and close to nature for the first time in years. I had forgotten how blue the sky was and how wonderful the sunshine felt on my skin. So much has changed in these past years but so much has remained the same.

My entire life I had been raised to believe in the Goddess, fate, and the mate that would be chosen for me, for us. Before I was abducted, I had been living with the belief that my fated mate was just around the next corner, waiting for me to find them.

But then my world, my psyche, and my body were shattered. I don’t know if there is enough of me left to give a part of myself to another person. Maybe I am too broken to find my happily ever after, even if I continue to hope I’m not. There are things that take so much from you it leaves more than just a scar, it leaves a gaping hole in its wake.

Turning, I face him, my gaze connecting with his.

“What is your name?” I ask softly even though Peyton already told me. I just need something to say.


“I’m sorry this happened to you.”

He frowns, blinking his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I’m sorry you ended up with an incomplete mate,” I say trying to remain brave even though it feels like I may pass out at any minute. “I would understand if you chose to refuse me.”

Nico stares at me in disbelief. “I would never do that,” he says, conviction coating his words. “I’m giving you time to heal and find your place in the pack before I come for what is mine.”

Shock courses through me. “You can’t mean that.” Is he nuts? If he refuses me he could find someone else and still live a happy life. I can’t offer him anything.

“Why not? I’ve been waiting for you most of my life. Why would I throw away that chance?”

“Because I’m broken!” I yell. The thoughts running through my mind finally vocalized. “I don’t trust anyone, I will have nightmares about what they did to me for the rest of my life, and my wolf has retreated so far into the blackness of my mind that I haven’t shifted in over three years.”

I’m screaming at him when he envelops me in his arms, pulling me against his chest. Sobs wrack my body as he holds me close. I don’t know when he covered the distance between us but I’m grateful. I love the feel of being in his arms and for a moment I accept the comfort he offers.

“Why would you want a broken mate?” I sob into the material of his t-shirt.

“You’re not broken,” he says tipping my chin up so he can look at my face. “You’re a survivor and from what I’ve heard from Rose, you helped them survive too.”