Page 16 of A Rescued Mate

“I didn’t know,” Iris sobs into Sayer’s chest. Her whole world just imploded for the second time in the last six months.

My heart goes out to her. Learning that everything you’ve known to be true is a lie can’t be easy by any means. Having it happen twice must be devastating.

Emmaleigh gazes at Iris, confusion painted across her features. There is so much she doesn’t know, things I never got the chance to explain, and now she is in the thick of it all.

“I don’t mean to be rude,” she says, talking to Caine while ignoring the rest of us. “But why is the heir to the Hunter faction currently in your kitchen?”

Caine rubs at his brow. “Iris is mated to Sayer and Raleigh. She’s been here for a few months, helping us fight the Hunters. She gave us the information we needed to rescue you and your friends.”

Emmaleigh raises a brow before turning back to Iris.

“Why would you turn against your own kind? Against your family?” She asks the questions calmly, trying to understand the logic behind these decisions. She is also looking for any sign of deception.

Raleigh steps in front of his mate, his hulking mass towering over Emmaleigh, ready to protect her. I don’t even know I’m standing before she turn her glare on me.

“Sit down, Nico,” she orders harshly, her glare fixed on Raleigh. “Do you think I’m afraid of you, boy?” Emmaleigh stands, leaning into his space, baring her teeth at him. ”I’ve survived things you couldn’t possibly imagine. Sit your ass the fuck down and let your mate speak.”

A hush falls over everyone and I hold my breath waiting to see what the former Shikari member will do. He is deadly and has a short temper to boot. Packmate or not, if he hurts her in any way, I will rip him limb from limb.

Iris laughs loudly. “I like her.”

Raleigh gives Emmaleigh a crooked smile before returning to his seat beside his mate.

“My entire life, I was raised to hate shifters,” Iris explains, her hands gripping a cup of coffee. “My father told me that shifters were dangerous man-eaters and that they killed my brother. He used my naivety against me.” She shakes her head sadly. “But now I know better. Everyone here has opened my eyes to the truth.”

“So you switched sides?” Emmaleigh asks.

“I found my family. I found the truth,” Iris replies. “I am helping to take the Hunters down from the inside while I keep my father chasing his own tail.”

Emmaleigh nods but I can see she isn’t completely convinced. “Which of the men do you have here? What does he look like?”

“He’s blonde,” I reply. “When I found you, he was choking the life out of you.”

“Number Two.”

“The second man you met,” I murmur.

“I know how to get the information,” Emmaleigh says. “You need to take me to him.”

“No!” I yell out. My chair falls on the ground with the speed I stand up. “I won’t allow it.”

Slowly, Emmaleigh pushes her chair back, stands, and walks right up to me. She stares up at me with anger I have never seen from her.

“You may be my mate, Nico,” she says in a deathly calm. “But let’s get something straight. You will never, and I mean never, control me. Don’t you think you already have enough problems?”

I stare at her in disbelief. This tiny woman, who was so withdrawn, now has my balls in a vice. Her confidence is growing by the minute, and I know it’s because her wolf has returned. I’m proud of her while fearing for her safety at the same time. I only want what’s best for her but she is going to follow her own path no matter what I say. I can either stand beside her or she will leave me behind.

“Em, please don’t do this,” I implore, trying one last time.

“You can either be by my side when I do, or you can sit here and wait for me.”

Chapter Ten


My heart is beating wildly in my chest as Caine leads me down a set of concrete stairs. My wolf whimpers in my mind, not wanting to be here, but I push her aside. I know the fear she feels at being back inside a prison like this once more, but I need to do this. Not just to get some form of vengeance but to keep Rose and Thomas safe. If I can get this asshole to spill the beans, we can use it against the Hunters. If we’re lucky we may even be able to take them out for good.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Caine asks, standing before a solid iron door. He is offering me a way out, one we both know I won’t take.