Page 18 of The Orc's Oath

"Uk'lah! I fought the minotaur. One of the biggest monsters I have ever met. And I survived."

He looked ridiculously proud of this. Rage flowed through me. Bloodletter fluttered over to him and nuzzled his broken nose. He didn't even flinch.

"Look at you! You're injured. Why? To prove yourself to me? You have never needed to do that. I already love you."

"I love you too, Uk'lah. Especially when you are your true self like this."

Zesh grinned at me.

A wave of joy flowed through me. But also annoyance.

"True self? I'm absolutely losing my shit here."

"Yes. You are an orc mate. You have an orc's spirit. This human world has tried to shrink you. But THIS is you. On fire and feeling everything to its fullest. Is it not glorious?"

He'd seen and understood me so clearly in such a short time. Before I'd even explained my past, my family or spoken about my struggles. He just understood who I was. As I stood processing that, Zesh gave the loudest, deepest roar of pure joy. It looked so freeing. His body stretched out, giving everything to his feelings. What if I could really just be myself too now? I joined in, screaming out every emotion that I had ever held back. Fury, sadness, passion. All of it. With every fiber of my being, I screamed. When we stopped, I burst out laughing, and he smiled wildly at me. The door flew open and Billy stood there, ready to shock Zesh. He paused and took in the sight of me laughing, and his eyes flicked between us.

"It's fine, Billy. Just a lesson in how to deal with your emotions healthily."

I didn't mention that it had been me who needed to learn the lesson. He nodded and left, his face still screwed up.

"You haven't killed him yet, Uk'lah."

"No. I don't think I'm going to kill him."

I climbed on the bed and straddled my mate. He grinned at me.

"Billy is a human problem and I will deal with him in a human way if it requires it. I have it under control."

"Seems strange to me when you could just kill him. But I accept your right to deal with your enemies your way."

"And I suppose I have to accept you as your true self too. You are a warrior. I worry about you. But at the very least, you do not have to fight FOR me. You already have me."

"I have won the challenge of your affection!"

"Yes, you have. Let's stop talking now."

"What would you like to do instead, my…"

His words turned into a moan as I ground on his hardening cock. His eyes closed with pleasure. Excitement shot through me. I was ready.

"I invite you to a mating fight."

His eyes flew back open. That big grin again. I would never tire of that.

"A mating fight? I accept."

He had a wicked grin on his face.

"I have to go now, Zesh. But tomorrow. We will do it tomorrow."

I climbed off the bed and laid a gentle kiss on his cheek. Zesh looked sadly down at his raging erection. I smirked.

"You'll have to take care of that yourself."

"I would not, without your permission."

"My permission? Really?"