Page 14 of The Orc's Oath

"Oh, goodness."

I placed Bloodletter on Zesh's shoulder and jumped up, pulling my dress back down.

"We have to get you to lunch, Zesh. We've overrun on time."

I tried to look professional and together. But as soon as I met his eyes again I felt myself flushing. His eyes narrowed.

"Do you regret your pleasure?"

"Oh, no. I just… Well, I wasn't expecting it. I… I don't know what I'm doing, to be honest. I don't know what we are doing. Nothing is happening how I thought it would. I keep making these impulsive decisions."

My hands waved about, and I trailed off, not knowing how to verbalize the chaos in my mind.

"You are hiding from your feelings, Uk'lah. Why? This doesn't seem very therapy-like."

Called out by my client. Ouch.


I slumped back into my chair. He watched me.

"Do you still think I am not strong enough for you?"

I gaped at him. Was he still hung up on that? I thought we'd moved on. A knock at the door made me jump.

"Yes, come in."

Billy poked his head round the door.

"Is it time for him to go back now?"

"Oh, yes. Thank you."

Billy and Daylen walked in and shackled Orzesh. His eyes were cold now. Nothing like the warmth I had seen when I had been in his arms. I was confusing him. Maybe even hurting him. I knew I had to sort myself out.

"We will talk tomorrow, Orzesh. I promise."

I saw Billy glance at me. It was almost a glare. There was disgust in it. I hadn't seen that before from him, and it made me shudder. Orzesh noticed too and raised an eyebrow at me with a snarl on his face. I shook my head slightly. No killing the guards. I would deal with this. He nodded and let them lead him out. As soon as he was gone I collapsed into my chair. There was too much going on that I didn't understand. I was getting myself in a muddle, and I had no time to clear my head.

After sessions were done for the day I wandered down to Heather's room and knocked. She kept to herself a lot, so I hoped she wouldn't mind me stopping by. The door swung open and the shy redhead peered around the door.

"Hi, Heather, sorry to bother you. Can we chat?"

She nodded and waved me into her room. It was as gray as the rest. But she had dotted cozy cushions around, and her bed was a heap of blankets.

"What's up, Serena?"

She perched on a chair and gestured for me to sit on the bed. Such a therapist move, giving me a cozy space to sit in. I kicked my shoes off and wrapped myself up in the nest of blankets, legs crossed.

"I need the advice of an orc expert. My client is confusing me."

"I'd be glad to help, though admittedly I haven't worked with an orc in a while. I seem to be tied up with a lich for now."

"Well, he's been telling me about his tribe's culture and singing and things, which was a surprise."

"Wait, he told you about that?"

Heather leaned forward.