"When an orc gives or receives an offer of claiming, they can enter the mating fight. This is the ultimate challenge to see if they are a worthy mate. The fight must continue until one dominates the other and takes them. It is a highly valued ritual."
"Takes them?"
"As their sexual partner."
My stomach flipped, and I felt warmth flood through me. An image rushed through my mind of this large orc, fighting me and holding me down. I pushed the thought away aggressively, but I could feel my face was red. My mouth refused to work and silence hung in the air for a moment.
"Then they are joined for life. Mates, you might call it."
I grasped at the opportunity to say something and not look like an idiot.
"Yes. Well, sometimes. I suppose most humans call it marriage or partnership or a relationship. But occasionally we will have what we call a fated mate."
"Yes, another half of you that you are created for."
"I suppose you could say that, yes."
"So, you know about this?"
He leaned forward even more. It made his huge biceps look almost ridiculously big. I dragged my eyes back up to his face. It wasn't what you would call traditionally handsome. There were scars across it in several directions. He'd obviously fought a lot and survived. It showed a strength that I unexpectedly felt impressed by. His eyes were still intently on me, so I looked back down awkwardly, straight to hard abs. I flushed again and glanced off to the side, trying to remember what he had just asked.
"Errr, I know a bit. Not the specifics of different species. I don't know a lot about orc… mating rituals. Do you have a lot of fated mates?"
"It isn't very common. But it happens. Our seer tells us if we have a mate chosen for us."
"Oh, same for us. We are told at a ceremony when we leave school."
He sat back and seemed satisfied. His eyes roamed down my body. I should have felt offended, but it lit a fire in me. My core ached. I pushed the feelings away again. This was ridiculous. Just because he had big biceps… And those green eyes. They were beautiful.
Stop being so shallow. Do your job.
I had so many questions about the orc mating fight, but embarrassment was winning over curiosity.
"So, Serena, have I won therapy?"
A laugh escaped me; I couldn't stop it. I instantly felt bad.
"Not yet, Orzesh. We have a bit more to do."
Thankfully, he didn't seem offended by my laughter. A small smile crossed his face.
"I am up to the challenge."
"I'm sure you are."
The words sounded flirty even though I hadn't meant them to. His smile widened. I straightened in my seat and tried to look professional again.
"You've been in a lot of fights recently?"
His smile dropped, and a flicker of wariness entered his eyes.
"Yes. I have won them all."
"Don't you think that getting into fights all the time is a bad idea?"
As soon as I spoke I knew I had fucked up. It sounded judgmental rather than being a genuine query. I'd gone too far in the opposite direction of flirty. We hadn't connected enough to jump straight to this. I'd wasted the opportunity he given me to get to know him. My face felt hot as I got more flustered.